I have always been taught that Christmas is a time for family, and a time to reflect.
It is also the one holiday that I am aware of that brings a large proportion of the world’s population together to celebrate life and love, which is always a good thing.
While to me it seems that the traditional way of celebrating Christmas with family has changed, and is changing, from purely family time with no commercial activity, to some family time with greater commercial influence – more stores are open for longer hours on Christmas than when I was young – it is heart warming to see that even in our fast paced, profit driven world, where some large international corporations tend to be garnering more and more control over commerce, a large percentage of the world’s population still rely on small business, and also make the effort to take time out to be with loved one’s.
With these thoughts in mind the team at SignForce, who are also taking time to be with our loved one’s, wish one and all a Happy Festive Christmas, and everything of the best for 2013.