I need a sign and I have a DRILL

Drills and Signs

Using a Drill for a Sign

I have a drill!

But that doesn’t mean I need to, or should, use it!

Life is short. Life can be serious! Business or work is ‘serious”.

But life doesn’t always have to be serious, or at least some things can be amusing.

Life can be made funny when we try to be everything to everyone, or when we try ude the drill – because we have one!

I am all for training, and learning through trial and error, so please, go ahead and play with your drill.

That said, there are times when it is beneficial to allow what we term ‘professionals’ to do the work. What makes one a ‘professional’? Generally hours and hours and days and days leading to years and years of practice. It has been said that in order for one to be truly proficient in your work you need to put in 10,000 hours.

10,000 hours equates to just under 417 days. Broken down into eight hour days that 10,000 hours is 1,250 ‘work’ days- that equates to 62.5 months, or just over FIVE years! Five years of doing the same thing, day in and day out. It is for this reason we can watch a ‘professional’ ‘play’ with a grinder – a tool that must always be respected – as if it is nothing. It is normal for him as he works with it DAILY. And after 20 plus tears, it is second nature.

While employing the professional to do certain work may cost a bit more than doing it oneself, it certainly can make life easier, even if it is less entertaining for the onlooker.

The advantage of allowing professionals – people who do the same tasks over and over and over on a daily basis – to do the work is that, because they do the same work repetitively, they learn what is generally referred to as the ‘tricks of the trade’.

Being a ‘do it yourselfer’ is admirable and great – and I believe is important, possibly because I am one myself – and it can even save one money when done correctly, but the university of life is not free, or even cheap, so expect to make some costly mistakes along the way. These ‘mistakes’ are the best way to learn, but they are often costly.

If you would like to manufacture a sign or install a sign save yourself time and possibly even money by calling #SignForce – the professionals.

For advice on signs or to order signs contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or info@signforce.co.za

You can find out more about SignForce by visiting http://signforce.co.za


What should your sign do? AKA Why sign?

Warm and Fuzzy

Why spend money on a sign? What should a bushiness sign do? In fact, what should ANY packaging do?

Any item carrying a business’s image should PROMOTE the business, help to ‘move‘ the viewer so that they feel ‘warm and fuzzy’ with the ultimate objective of getting the viewer to WANT – or better yet, NEED to HAVE the product being displayed.

Warm and fuzzy is why marketing experts – who know you better than you know yourself – use ‘lifestyle’ marketing – they want you to associate THEIR product with the LIFESTYLE YOU ASPIRE TO!

The best way achieve the desired outcome (a sale) is to create an associative emotion – something that MOVES us, the viewer – to make us feel that we want to EXPERIENCE what we associate the brand with.

Masters of this technique include nike, coke and apple – all HUGE, multi-billion dollar businesses with exceptionally deep pockets. So how does a small business with a limited budget achieve the same level of desire, and hopefully success?

It all comes down to creating an image that makes our small business compete favorably with the ‘BIG BOYS”

SignForce is a small business who have a large footprint, to a large extent because we understand more than signs, we also understand the psychology of selling.

If you are prepared to make an investment while taping into SignForce’s knowledge base and get the associated benefits contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or info@signforce.co.za

Cut Brass Letters & Brass Signs

Brass Signs

Solid Brass Signs & Cut Brass Letters

Brass is a beautiful, natural, metal. Long lasting (outdoors) and it weathers exceptionally well. It is for this reason that Brass #Signs are considered to when one wants CLASSIS, timeless signs.

Cut Brass signs are timeless. They can create an impression of CLASS like very few other signs.

For Brass signs – whether they be plaques or cut letters, SignForce can assist

In the attached picture the letters and backing pins (allowing the signs to be spaced off the wall)   were ALL specifically engineered to get the sign to look like it does. Classy, Timeless and Simple, with a contrast between the BLACK backing wall and the ‘GOLD’ sign.

SignForce have been in the business of signs – what we refer to as the “Magic of Signs” business – magic because a sign can transform a warehouse to a store or a plain, boring wall to a place of interest. Also magic because signs are not always what they seem. What you see is very seldom what you get. It is not ONLY the face of the sign but what goes INTO the signs that makes SignForce’s signs MAGIC!

To get signs NOW contact SignForce on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or email info@signforce.co.za

For more information on how SignForce can serve you visit http://www.signforce.co,za