At what point can a prospect or client’s behavior be considered abuse?

Illuminated Signs

Custom, old fashioned, illuminated signs

At what point can a prospect or client’s behavior be considered abuse?

As a small business every person in the business has to pull their own weight, and possibly a little more. It is assumed this is common knowledge, but if that is the case, why do some prospects (and some client’s) still ask for reduced pricing or other benefits to them that they are either not prepared to pay for or that they should understand will cost the supplier.

It is often said in the retail sector that the client is ALWAYS right. Is this true or is it simply a cop out to make businesses cater to the possibly outrageous requests of a prospective client or an existing client? Even if the saying is correct for retail stores, would it apply to other business to client (end user) businesses?

As a small business we ALWAYS strive to give the best of ourselves. We WANT the business as much as we need it, so we tend to go the extra mile (and then some) to deliver the best products at the best prices – on time and on budget.

And yet, even with this attitude we find existing clients and some prospective new clients who are looking for signage that will ask for the (almost) impossible, and then feel ‘let down’ when the lack of planning on their side results in predictable failures by the suppliers. The question is why should a lack of planning on the side of the prospect or client result in an adrenalin rushing emergency for the supplier, especially if the supplier is not getting paid for the leg work and probably will not get the work in the long run.

How do we as small businesses let the abusive client down in such a way that we don’t necessarily burn all bridges – although this may sometimes be necessary – while not feeling guilty about not doing what the clients want.

There is a lot of information around talking about how everyone should be an entrepreneur, yet there is very little support or information letting people know about the down side of entrepreneurship, the constant work, the constant striving to better everything – service, training, products, customer experience – the self doubt and the loneliness – and lets not forget the RESPONNSIBILITY. The buck ALWAYS stops at the top – unlike politicians who will always promise but never deliver, as they are not always held to account.

This writer is currently feeling alone and struggling with this exact issue – if it is not already evident – and yet we must make decisions and move on.

If you are looking for sign maker and sign installer that will give you their best service and expect payment in return – starting with a deposit to confirm commitment and ensure the business can survive – that would be an entire book, not only a blog – contact SignForce and let us help take away all your signage stress.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or call or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

How will my sign help get feet through my door

How will my sign help get feet through my door

Boosting Foot Traffic with SignForce: Crafting Signs that pull in Customers”

SignForce’s years of marketing experience allows us to specialize in creating signs that do more than mark your location – SignForce’s signs are a key element in your marketing strategy, designed to attract customers and increase foot traffic.

Here’s how SignForce crafts signs to ensure they become a magnet for your business:

Visibility and Brand Identity

At SignForce we strive to design signs to fit your location so your signs stand out and speak directly to your prospective clients while taking into account your corporate and brand identity. SignForce combines multiple (captivating) elements of design together with strategic positioning to ensure business is recognized, sometimes even becoming a local landmark which is both visible and memorable.

Clear Messaging by SignForce

SignForce emphasizes the importance of delivering your message with clarity and impact. This is done using various design elements as well as taking into account the positioning and location of your business. At SignForce we understand that not every brand is instantly recognized like Coke or AMEX, and as such, where appropriate, the SignForce approach ensures that your sign communicates what your business offers with the intention of making it instantly clear to potential customers why they should choose you.

Designing Invitations with SignForce

SignForce’s signs are more than information panels – the love and care that SignForce put into making your signa makes your sign into a visible invitation. Over and above the love and care that goes into the production process, SignForce uses appealing aesthetics, including colors and enhancing graphics, to make your sign welcoming, encouraging all who see your sign to step inside and explore what you have to offer.

Brand Consistency with SignForce

With SignForce, consistency across your signage and branding efforts is key. We ensure that every piece of your visual branding aligns, reinforcing your brand’s image and building customer trust and loyalty. Experience has shown that it is easy to neglect consistency in business branding, but the cost is high as when people see your brand and it looks ‘off’ they sub-consciously lose trust in your brand and business, and will then look for alternate suppliers.

Optimal Placement Strategies by SignForce

Location is everything, and SignForce’s expertise extends to advising on the best placement for your signs. We assess your location to ensure maximum visibility and impact in order to direct the flow of potential customers through your door.

Allow SignForce to enhance Your Success

SignForce is dedicated to ensuring your signage is an active participant in your business’s success. SignForce’s focus on standout design, clear messaging, inviting aesthetics, brand consistency, and strategic placement ensures your sign is seen and is effective in bringing customers into your establishment.

With SignForce, your sign becomes an investment as it is a powerful tool for increasing visibility and driving foot traffic, contributing significantly to your business’s growth.

Top of Form

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

You can also watch some of SignForce’s many video’s at:

What should your sign specialists know – the value of signs only vs marketing value


What should your sign specialists know – signs only vs marketing value

SignForce’s USP: Merging Sign Craftsmanship and design with Marketing Brilliance”

At SignForce we recognize that the expertise required for exceptional sign design and creation overlaps far into the marketing sphere, showcasing signs as pivotal brand assets rather than mere informational displays.

The combination of formal marketing qualifications and decades of experience in the design and manufacture of signage places SignForce at the forefront of signage design and implementation of effective ‘investment’ signage. SignForce has a deep understanding that for a sign to be effective and considered as an investment, each crafted sign is a direct reflection of the brand it represents within the specific area or context* of the sign, serving as a dynamic marketing tool that enhances brand visibility and customer connection.

* Context and placement of a sign often make a massive impact on both the impact and effectiveness of a sign. The best way to demonstrate this is the VEGAS strip. Everyone knows that the VEGAS strip is synonymous with FLASHING and SCROLLING large neon signs. Imagine how your new sign on the strip would be seen and perceived if your new sign is ‘smaller’ and does not illuminate, never mind it being neon and scrolling. The chances are your sign would become invisible in that context, even though in almost any other context your sign would be considered as MASSIVE and highly visible. This is where the phrase ‘horses for courses’ is appropriate. Regardless of how recognized and how well known your brand, if your brand is not competing at any specific location, your branding (signs) may be a waste of money.

Elevating Signs with SignForce’s Insight

SignForce’s experienced professionals are adept at transforming signs into strategic marketing vehicles. At SignForce we ensure every project undertaken stands out visually while also aligning perfectly with the client’s marketing objectives. This dual focus on aesthetic appeal and marketing potency underscores the unique value SignForce brings to every signage project we participate in, especially when we are involved with the design and installation of your signs.

Brand Identity and SignForce’s Role

Understanding and reinforcing your brand’s identity through signage is the cornerstone of SignForce’s approach. Our SignForce team meticulously crafts signs that echo your brand’s core message and values with the intention of creating a cohesive and impactful brand experience. SignForce’s commitment to this principle elevates our signage solutions, making them an indispensable investment tool in our clients’ marketing arsenals.

Maximizing Impact with SignForce Strategies

SignForce’s expertise goes beyond the limit’s of design and craftsmanship; our expertise encompasses a thorough understanding of marketing dynamics, including customer behavior, color psychology, and also strategic sign placement. At SignForce we leverage this comprehensive knowledge to create signs that attract attention while actively engaging customers, driving brand loyalty and business growth for your business.

SignForce – Where Signage Meets Marketing

At SignForce, we believe in the powerful synergy between exceptional sign making and insightful marketing strategy. SignForce’s holistic approach ensures that every sign we produce is more than simply a testament to high-quality craftsmanship but also a key player in our clients’ marketing strategies.

Through this blend of creativity, innovation, and strategic insight, SignForce continually sets new standards in the signage industry, helping brands shine brighter in an ever more crowded marketplace.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 to take advantage of SignForce’s experience and to get your brand out there so it benefits from SignForce’s input for greater visibility.

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

The 5 steps to make signs visible

The 5 steps to make signs visible

The 5 main factors that make signs visible are color, contrast, size, distance and noise


Color refers to both the color of the TEXT as well as the color of the backing of the sign – and also includes other possible ‘noise’ that can distract one’s eye balls from the main intended message of the sign – generally YOUR BUSINESSES NAME ad / or what your business does.


Contrast refers to the difference between the color of the LOGO or TEXT of the sign as well as the color of the backing behind the sign. It is great to see subtle logo’s, for example a black on black logo with the backing being matt and the logo or text being gloss, or the other way around – when looking at paper or anything at close range. The low contrast does not always work as expected when the logo to text need to be expanded from a small logo on paper to a much larger sign – not necessarily even a massive sign.

For signage, the greater the contrast, the more visible the sign tends to be, especially from a distance, with the greatest visibility being black on yellow.


The further away from the sign one wants the viewer to be able to read the sign, the larger the logo and text – and hence the sign – need to be.

See the previous blog on the SignForce blog ( which give an indication of how large your text or logo should be to be clearly visible from different distances.

The general rule is that the larger the sign the easier it is to read from a distance. That said, it is also possible for a sign to be too large for the available space, or for the sign to be too large for it to be easy legible from the available distance or for the sign to be spaced so far off a backing that it looks gaudy.


As stated above, the further away from the sign the viewers will be that one needs to read the sign, the larger the sign needs to be.

This is amplified when a sign is going to be installed at height.

The higher the sign the larger it needs to be as height tends to be a double whammy when it comes to visibility. It is quite simple to understand that the higher the sign the further it is from the viewer, (think of Pythagoras’s theory), the not so simple part is that the same sign at the same distance that looks large always looks smaller when the sign is installed at height. This writer has no explanation for this phenomena.


Noise or visual pollution or visual distraction all refer to anything that can challenge a viewer’s attention, distracting the viewer’s eye balls from the intended message – ‘polluting’ their attention. Noise can refer to a complex design that distracts from the intended message or it can mean the font is too sophisticated or too artistic to be read at a glance, or a number of other distractions from the intended message.

At SignForce we focus on getting your message across to your intended audience in a way that will add income to your bottom line – in other words making your sign an investment.

Contact SignForce now to get your signs that work. SignForce is available at or you can call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or you can WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

How can you assure your investment in signage is money well spent – or is Signage a grudge purchase?

How can you assure your investment in signage is money well spent – alternatively, is Signage a grudge purchase?

Signage Fails

When signs do not work as planned

Over the past week this writer has been called to two different sites to quote on repairing existing signage. There is little unusual about this.

What is unusual is that both the signs at sites have suffered ‘failures’ due to what we at SignForce would considered reject signs. Poor workmanship, poor quality finishes and thus failing once installed.

In both cases the signs are apparently less than 30 months old.

Now I am aware that at SignForce we make signs that are value for money. This does not mean cheap, and we are seldom going to be the lowest quote. This is something I have been grappling with for many years, especially as I see other companies coming in at prices that we could NEVER compete with. One such example is a quote we gave where the client showed us that he got the sign for less than OUR MATERIAL cost.

So it looks like the client is getting a bargain! That is until one compares what we are providing with what they, based on what this writer has seen this week, may be getting for their spend.

The first sign was poorly finished. When the prospect’s contact showed me the signs he pointed out that the 3D letters were ‘peeling’ – something similar to your skin peeling after you have been sun burned – and it is a great comparison as the sign is in the sun all day, and the ‘skin’ that was peeling was in fact the plastic protective cover that should have been removed BEFORE the sign was installed. It looked like the sign was made with Perspex – a great qualitty acrylic with a 10year outdoor warranty – but not removing the protective cover cheapens the sign while possibly also drastically reducing the life of the material. At SignForce we tend to remove the protective plastic BEFORE the sign leaves the factory, and if the cover is left on, it will be removed before we ask the client is asked to sign off as this devalues the sign in many ways – both practically and aesthetically.

Many of the joints on the 3D elements were visible – something that we at SignForce work to avoid as the joints are generally the weakest part of the fabrication, and also they tend t o have dark spots. Being mindful of where the sign is to be viewed from we at SignForce try keep the joints out of view. This helps extend the life of the sign and makes it more aesthetically appealing.

One of the signs had the electrical cord running over the top of the sign. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however the wire that was found was exposed to the African sun. Anyone who knows anything about the African sun knows it is TRECHEROUS! The wire not being encased in a protective pipe or UV resistant sleeve means that the insulation coating will soon crack which will (it is only a matter of time) lead to fraying and eventually is likely to cause a short – especially if the positive and negative wires touch. This can blow all the LED’s rendering them useless, as well as potentially damaging the transformer, which will result in costly maintenance or possibly even having to re-wire the entire sign.

The prospect pointed out that birds had made a nest behind the sign – this is dangerous for the birds and can easily result in the sign getting damaged. It is also possible that the birds can accidently pull the wires so that some or all illuminated elements in the sign stop working. The sides of the sign should have been closed off before the sign was signed off.

The wiring behind the one sign was visible and was exceptionally untidy. Untidy wiring gives the impression of laziness, and as my one mentor, Tony De Gouveia pounded into my head, How yu do anything is how you do EVERYTHING – in other words if the person wiring the sign and the person inspection the sign allowed for shoddy workmanship, the chances are the fabrication will be shoddy and the fixings will be shoddy so the sign’s working capabilities are likely to also be shoddy.

The second sight had a single sign with 3D fabricated letters attached to the face. One letter had moved and SignForce was asked to assist to straighten the letter.

As a side note, we, as human’s, all tend to get caught up in a very particular pattern of thinking. I do believe this is one of the traits of being human and it allows for different people to think differently. I mention this as, as the primary designer for SignForce, this writer sees the fabrication of signs in a particular way. It is (in SignForce’s view) the best way, but is certainly not the only way to make certain signs. That said, when faces with a photo of a failed sign, our first thought is that the sign would have been made according to industry best practice, so the repair would entail certain steps.

In this case because the skew letter was on a backing board spaced off the wall it was assumed that the invisible fixings located at the rear of the letters have come loose and moved. This can happen. It is not common and it can be costly to repair as to repair properly it is recommended that the entire sign be taken down, all fixings be checked and secured and the sign be replaced. When the sign is at height – as this sign is – the costs include lifting equipment – scaffolding or cherry picker or ladders (not always allowed) or rope access – which all (except long ladders) sound almost as costly as they are.

In fact we got a new lesson in signage – well not quite new and definitely not a lesson we would need to learn or would copy – but we did soon find out WHY the sign failed. A little technical background may be helpful here. In years gone by in order to keep costs down some larger fabricated signs would be fixed to the backing board with what we in the industry refer to as L brackets. The bracket is fastened to the backing – wall or whatever – and the fabricated element is fixed to the opposite side of the L. Industry accepted fixings would mean that the sides of the 3D element would be SCREWED to the L bracket. This sign was ONLY attached with double sided tape. While this in itself may not have been an issue, if the business are in such a rush to get the sign out that they are not prepared to coat screws, drill and countersink the acrylic, the chances are they are also not using double sided tape that is made for purpose. That aside, double sided tape can be extremely strong when used for the correct application, however, when mixing materials – acrylic and Aluminium – and placing the sign in direct north east sun in Africa, the chances are that the expansion and contraction of the double sided tape on a regular basis will result in the double sided tape failing, which will result in the 3D element becoming loose, and possibly even falling off the sign. This would not only make the sign look aesthetically unappealing, it would most certainly damage the 3D elements (this one was over 6 meters above the ground) and could possibly damage vehicles or people driving or walking under the sign when it chose to fall.

Back to topic, How can you assure your investment in signage is money well spent – alternatively, is Signage a grudge purchase.

The latter question is more rhetorical as most business’s understand the need for signage, yet many see it as an after thought and are SHOCKED at the cost when they eventually get around to requesting quotes. While we at SignForce view signage as an essential tool in a business’s marketing strategy – we believe a business without a sign is a sign of no business – we can understand that there are business’s and people who feel that signage is not worth the cost. This may be for a number of reasons, some of which may be the high cost of an effective sign, a bad experience with previous signage, not knowing where to go to get signs or not getting signs that do what the client intended the sign to do. This can often be overcome by simply stating what the sign is for when asking for quotes. Also any decent signage sales person will ask this question when interviewing the prospect, as it is dangerous to assume you as the sales person KNOW WHY the prospect wants a sign.

The former question – How can you assure your investment in signage is money well spent – is a little more complex and difficult to answer.

I suppose the short answer is to do one’s homework BEFORE placing the order. This may include talking to past and present clients, looking at the prospective sign companies’ track record – although this may be unfair to excellent new start up’s.

One could also use standard accounting practice of getting at least three quotes. Notice this is standard ACCOUNTING practice which comes with a MASSIVE BUT when referring to signage or any custom designed products. When looking at 3 quotes it must be assumed that ALL companies are using the same material and the same production processes – think of a tin of your favorite canned beans It does not matter which outlet you buy the beans from, you are buying X brand and you trust the brand, so supporting the cheapest outlet saves you money. Because signs are custom made, and material prices vary insanely, it could well be that the lowest cost supplier is using lower cost material. Sadly the opposite is also possible – that the lowest cost supplier is in fact using the highest quality material but has forgotten to include costs of labour or other costs in the quote, or the highest cost supplier may be using the poorest quality materials and making a killing. It is near impossible for the purchaser to know, no matter how astute you are. I guess signage – like many other purchases – require a high level of faith and trust.

One could ask to see sample materials, but once again this is pretty useless if one does not know the technical specifications of materials. If you visit the SignForce factory you will find one or two rolls of ‘cheap’ vinyl. These are for specific client’s and are appropriately marked. Not because we enjoy the process but because we are VERY aware that it is extremely simple to make an error and use the incorrect material when making signs.

If you are in the market for signage that IS an investment, SignForce have been a supplier in the South African (and global) market for over four decades. We take pride in our work and believe our prices are fair so that your investment in signage IS an investment!

Contact SignForce now at or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at

The Value of Input from Sign Specialists when Designing Signs: SignForce’s Insight

The Value of Input from Sign Specialists when Designing Signs: SignForce’s Insight

In the intricate process of sign creation, the expertise of a sign specialists stands as a crucial element that significantly impacts the outcome of the entire signage process. At SignForce, we recognize the indispensable value of sign specialists’ input at every stage of the sign making process, starting with the designing of a sign. The insights of the signage specialist ensure not only the aesthetic appeal and technical accuracy of signage but also its effectiveness in conveying the intended message to the target audience.

Bridging Design and Functionality

Sign specialists should possess a deep understanding of how design and material elements including colour, shape, and size influence the visibility, readability, impact and effectiveness of your signage. SignForce’s expertise – including an understanding of marketing, engineering and materials – ensures that your signs are both visually captivating and functionally effective. By harmonizing creative design with practical considerations, sign specialists guarantee that signage serves its primary purpose—communicating with the audience effectively. This differs from signs designed by designers who may focus purely on the aesthetic value of the sign but may not have any clue on the practical implementation that is required to make their beautiful, but not necessarily practical, sign come to life.

Ensuring Compliance and Quality

Navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance is another area where the input of sign specialists is invaluable. While SignForce does not get involved in regulatory compliance, we are fairly well-versed in local bylaws and other regulatory requirements that may impact your signage decision. SignForce’s knowledge helps to safeguard your businesses against potential legal issues and fines.

Customized Solutions for Enhanced Impact

Every business has unique needs and goals for its signage. Sign specialists at SignForce excel in tailoring designs to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that each sign is a perfect fit for your business’s brand identity and marketing objectives. SignForce’s ability to customize solutions enhances the impact of signage, making it a powerful tool for brand visibility and customer engagement.

Innovative Techniques for Lasting Impressions

The signage industry is continually evolving, with new materials, technologies, and techniques constantly emerging. SignForce is at the forefront of this innovation, bringing the latest trends and advancements to the design process. SignForce’s input allows businesses to benefit from signs that are not only modern and appealing but also durable and cost-effective.

The SignForce Advantage

At SignForce, our team of sign specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive consultancy and design services that bring your vision to life. We understand that a sign is more than just a piece of advertising; it’s a critical component of your brand’s identity and public perception. That’s why SignForce emphasize the importance of professional input in every project we undertake, ensuring that every sign we design, manufacture, and install is a testament to our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

The value of input from sign specialists when designing signs cannot be overstated. It is the cornerstone of creating effective, compliant, and impactful signage that truly represents a business’s brand and communicates its message clearly. At SignForce, we pride ourselves on our team’s expertise and dedication to excellence, which ensures that our clients receive more than just signs, rather they receive strategic business assets. In an industry where the difference between ordinary and extraordinary lies in the details, the specialized knowledge and insight of sign specialists make all the difference.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting


SignForce belief in the Value of Mentoring and Training

A SignForce Insight into the Value of Mentoring in the Signage Industry

At SignForce, our belief in the transformative power of mentoring within the signage industry is unwavering. For SignForce, mentoring transcends mere knowledge transfer – it’s about nurturing growth, fostering innovation, and cultivating a supportive community with the ultimate objective being that is or when the current management leave or die, all team members have the necessary skill and training to take over the running of the business – in other words, sustainability – or for all team members to be in a position AT ANY TIME to go on their own and open their own signage business in order to compete with SignForce and take care of their respective families.

With a legacy spanning over two decades, SignForce has seamlessly integrated mentoring into the fabric of our operations, underpinning our sustained success and prominence in the market, and we believe is one of the reasons we have a loyal team with all of whom have been in long service with SignForce.

Empowering Innovation and Creativity at SignForce

Mentoring at SignForce extends far beyond the fundamentals of sign design and installation. Mentoring at SignForce represents a commitment to inspire our team members to exceed the conventional boundaries of creativity and technical prowess, instilling a sense of LETS TRY as this is the only way we could innovate and come up with possible method changing prospects. Leveraging SignForce’s rich reservoir of knowledge, we encourage industry novices to devise innovative solutions, ensuring every project not only mirrors our client’s aspirations but also showcases the abilities of our team members – past and current.

Cultivating a Cohesive Professional Network with SignForce

The essence of mentoring and training at SignForce is fundamental to our role of fostering a closely-knit network. At SignForce we champion the potency of caring and robust relationships – spanning all team members, both mentors and mentees, and our esteemed clients. These relationships are essential in bolstering collaboration, equipping SignForce to navigate complex projects with unparalleled confidence and dexterity – both essential to survive in the South African and signage market in general.

Upholding Excellence and Uniformity at SignForce

Excellence and consistency are the cornerstones of SignForce’s established reputation. SignForce’s dedication to mentoring and consistent training is at the foundation in cascading SignForce’s core values across generations of signage makers and users within our ranks. This unwavering dedication upholds SignForce’s high standards and also magnifies our commitment to delivering the most extraordinary customer experiences we can. Through mentoring and constant training SignForce ensures that every sign we create, from its initial concept to the final installation, serves as a testament to unmatched quality, embodying SignForce’s legacy of excellence. At SignForce we take pride of our work as there are very few experiences that in-still pride like the feeling that comes from driving past a sign that has withstood and successfully passed the test of time.

The Indelible Impact of Mentoring at SignForce

In essence, the significance of mentoring and training is core to SignForce’s ethos and values. Mentoring and training are a critical component of SignForce’s blueprint for success, nurturing a culture of growth, innovation, our unwavering sense of unity and our drive to ensure sustainability.

When you are looking to have your brand stand out, contact SignForce immediately on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

What is Expensive?

Sign by SignForce

Cut out sign by SignForce

What is EXPENSIVE – A Subjective vs Objective Assessment

SignForce’s Subjective Perspective on ‘Expensive’

At SignForce, we often encounter varied perceptions of what constitutes ‘expensive.’

To SignForce, cheap and expensive are concepts that blends objective market realities with subjective customer (and our own) experiences.

Objective Assessment at SignForce

At SignForce, ‘expensive’ is gauged against industry standards, reflecting our use of top-tier materials, creative designs, and advanced techniques and guarantees that are honored. Though our prices may be higher, we know our prices represent a long-term investment (as is evident by the business still being a player in the market after more than 25 years) in your sign’s quality and durability.

One concept that does creep into the writers thinking is the HIGH cost of materials. As was recently pointed out, materials that SignForce used to (in 1999) purchase for R12 are now (in 2024) rarely available for less than R180 – unfortunately this is something that can make ‘locally produced’ uncompetitive on the global stage.

In many ways SignForce’s survival has been because of our computerized quoting system that removes OLD versus NEW pricing and emotions from every quote. SignForce would not be sustainable if we allowed our own thoughts on EXPENSIVE to enter our quoting equation – we need to ensure we always maintain a specific margin to ensure the businesses survival.

Subjective Value Through SignForce’s Lens

Subjectively, SignForce recognizes ‘expensive’ as client-perceived value.

At SignForce we see our signs as our client’s investment in brand visibility and brand recognition, offering our clients bespoke, premium-quality signage that is an invaluable long term asset for attracting customers. When consulted SignForce FOCUS on GETTING FEET THROUGH YOUR DOOR!

SignForce’s Commitment to Value

At SignForce, we’re committed to striking a balance between these objective and subjective aspects of cost. SignForce’s aim is to ensure that every SignForce sign is seen as a smart, long-term investment in your brand’s future.

SignForce’s partnership in Your Success

As a partner in your brand’s journey, at SignForce we pride ourselves on delivering signs that transcend being ‘just signs’. SignForce’s signs are symbols of your business’s identity, quality, and vision. We invite you to view your signage not just in terms of short term cost but as a strategic component of your business growth and long term sustainability.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

How simple is Signage and the Sign Industry?

Halo illuminated 3D wall sign

halo illuminated 3D sign

It’s been said before in this SignForce space that signage is a REALLY simple industry, well until it IS NOT!!

This writer was reminded of this point this week when a client sent through a request for an urgent sign.

The brief was in fact more detailed than many as it included required materials, sizes and a sample picture showing the desired effect.

Where the challenge came is that the sample is all based in clear acrylic and is NOT illustrated. Our client wanted their sign to be halo illuminated.

What this means is that there will be a halo of light reflecting off the wall behind the sign.

For anyone reading this that is interested in the technical details, with halo effect lighting the face of the sign will often appear as black or dark as the lighting creates a shadow of the face.

This client wanted the face of the sign to appear in their corporate blue. On top of this challenge, in this writers opinion, when it comes to illuminated signs there is very little that is more off putting than being able to clearly see the strip of light or the LED modules themselves, especially if through the face of the sign. It is (once again in this writers opinion) extremely distracting and certainly detracts from the intended message of the sign.

This sign thus required a number of processes, with a fair amount of trial and test to ensure the client will be happy with a sign that reflects their professionalism and image, in their corporate colour while being halo illuminated.

When you are in the market for a STAND OUT sign that accurately reflects your brand and corporate image, SignForce are the sign business to call.

Contact SignForce now on or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call 0)11 440 7525

Find out more about SignForce at

Why is My Sign So Expensive?

Printed Sandblast Effect Vinyl

Impressive Printed Sandblast Entrance Sign

The Value Behind Your SignForce Investment

When evaluating the cost of a sign, it’s natural to wonder about the pricing, and even if a sign is an essential business assets. At SignForce, we’re committed to revealing the true value behind every sign we create. More than a mere sign, it represents your brand, serving as a long-term investment in your business’s visibility and reputation.

Quality Materials: The Foundation of Excellence

The durability and impact of a sign depend on the quality of materials used. At SignForce we pride ourselves on selecting materials not just for their appearance but for their longevity and resilience. From weather-resistant materials to vibrant, fade-resistant original Roland inks, and energy-efficient LED lighting, our choices ensure your sign withstands the elements, even in the extreme South African sun. This focus on high-quality materials often leads to a higher upfront cost but results in fewer replacements and repairs, saving money over time, making the up front investment a better, more cost effective long term investment.

Custom Design: Tailored to Your Unique Brand

Your business’s unique identity deserves to be reflected in your signage. Custom design is a significant factor in the cost of your sign. SignForce’s team collaborates with you to craft a sign that encapsulates your brand and also distinguishes your sign in the market. This process, involving meticulous planning, creative design, and precise execution, demands time and expertise, which we at SignForce believe we are worth being compensated for.

Skilled Craftsmanship: The Essence of Your Sign

Each SignForce sign is a product of skilled craftsmanship. Our artisans, experienced in their craft, blend traditional skills with modern techniques to create visually compelling and robust signs that make your BRAND stand out and draw potential clients to your business. This human touch in sign-making ensures each sign embodies quality and character, making it a symbol of your brand’s identity.

Long-Term Value: An Investment in Your Business

A sign from SignForce is an investment in your business’s future. Beyond the initial cost, a well-crafted sign draws customers, enhances your brand identity, and signals your commitment to style and quality. The long-term benefits in brand visibility and customer engagement far outweigh the cost, especially compared to standard signs that do not elevate your brand and are not likely to last long.

Conclusion: A Partnership in Your Brand’s Success

At SignForce, we view our role as your partner in success. We focus on delivering signs that add value both aesthetically and also as effective business growth tools as your brand becomes recognized. Choosing SignForce means investing in a quality, durable, custom sign that supports your business for years to come.

Your sign often creates the first impression of your business, and with SignForce, it’s an enduring one. SignForce ensure your sign investment enhances brand recognition and customer engagement, affirming the lasting impact of your choice.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

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