Why Your Business Sign Could Be Your Greatest Investment – Part 4

Non-illuminated 3D sign

Non-illuminated 3D Building Sign

Why Your Business Sign Could Be Your Greatest Investment: Insights from Steve Jobs’ Marketing Outlook

Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, revolutionized not only the technology industry but also the way businesses think about branding and marketing. His unique approach to marketing, product design, and customer experience has inspired entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide to think outside the box. One of the key elements of Jobs’ strategy was his relentless focus on simplicity, clarity, and brand identity—principles that can be applied to almost every aspect of business, including something as seemingly simple as a well designed, technologically cutting edge business sign – the type of signs SignForce specialize in.

While Jobs was known for his groundbreaking innovations in product design and digital marketing, his overarching marketing philosophy holds valuable lessons for how even the most basic elements of your business, like a sign, can become a powerful tool for success.

Here’s how Jobs’ marketing outlook can help you see why investing in a great business sign might be the smartest move you make for your business.

1. Simplicity Sells

Steve Jobs was a master of simplicity, famously stating, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” His vision for Apple’s products was to make technology that was elegant and easy to use. This same principle applies to business signage, something SignForce strongly believe in..

In a world full of clutter and distractions, simplicity in design can set your business apart. A sign that is clean, direct, and visually appealing makes an instant impression.

It’s not about overwhelming potential customers with flashy designs or excessive information, but rather about capturing attention in an effortless way.

Your business sign should clearly communicate your business name, logo, and value proposition in a simple, easy-to-read format. Jobs understood that consumers don’t want to spend time deciphering complicated messages – customers want clarity and immediacy.

When applied to your business sign, this means you don’t need a sign with every detail of your business or a long list of services. Focus on making your sign easy to digest in a matter of seconds. A simple and clear message creates a lasting impression that potential customers will easily recall when they need your product or service.

2. Branding Is Everything

Steve Jobs was obsessed with branding. Apple’s iconic logo, sleek product designs, and minimalist approach are all part of a cohesive brand identity that transcends just the product itself. Jobs believed that every touchpoint with a customer was an opportunity to reinforce the brand and build a lasting connection. A business sign is no different – your business sign is a key part of your brand’s overall identity.

Your business sign should reflect the values, mission, and personality of your business. Just as Apple’s clean, modern aesthetic conveys a sense of innovation and sophistication, your sign should communicate what makes your business unique – sometimes referred to as your businesses USP – Unique Selling Proposition. A well-designed sign isn’t just a marker of your location; it’s a visual representation of who you are, what you stand for, and what customers can expect from your business.

When you think about your sign, consider it an opportunity to amplify your brand’s presence. Jobs’ genius lay in his ability to consistently communicate Apple’s identity across every touchpoint, from the product to the retail experience.

Your business sign, when aligned with your brand, becomes an extension of your businesses identity – an ongoing ambassador for your company in the real world.

3. Creating a Memorable Customer Experience

Steve Jobs was deeply focused on customer experience, believing that technology should delight and inspire. Apple’s retail stores are a prime example of how every detail, from the architecture to the product displays, is designed to create a memorable experience for the customer.

Your business sign, though simple in form, plays an important role in the customer experience.

A well-designed sign draws people in and piques their curiosity, setting the tone for their interaction with your business. Just as Apple’s signage is strategically designed to invite customers into their stores, your sign can be a welcoming gesture that makes a positive first impression.

The experience doesn’t end once the customer enters your store – it begins the moment they see your sign and carries through the customers interaction with staff until they have completed their time in the store and leave feeling amazing.

The visual appeal, placement, and messaging of your sign can invoke curiosity and interest, making people more likely to engage with your business. Jobs knew that creating an exceptional experience started long before the customer picked up an Apple product – it started with a well-thought-out introduction.

Your business sign can be that introduction, creating an early connection that leads to a more meaningful relationship.

4. Standing Out in a Crowded Market

Steve Jobs understood the importance of differentiation. Apple was not just selling products; it was selling an experience, a philosophy, and a way of life.

Apple’s products stand out because they offer something different – something that speaks to a particular customer need, desire, or aspiration. In much the same way, your business sign can differentiate you from the competition.

Think about the thousands of businesses that exist in any given city. What makes your business unique? What sets you apart from others in your industry? Your business sign is an opportunity to communicate that uniqueness and catch the eye of potential customers who are overwhelmed by the noise around them.

A compelling, strong sign that stands out – whether through color, design, or clever messaging – can help draw attention away from competitors and bring it to your business. Just as Apple’s marketing campaigns emphasized its products’ distinctiveness, your sign should highlight what makes your business worth visiting. Whether it’s your superior customer service, innovative products, or unbeatable prices, your sign can effectively communicate why your business is the better choice.

5. Leverage Consistency Across Platforms

Jobs was a master of consistency in branding. Every touchpoint a customer had with Apple – from the website to the physical stores – was designed to be uniform and cohesive, reinforcing the brand at every turn. In marketing, consistency helps establish trust and credibility.

Your business sign is no different. Your business sign should align with the rest of your branding materials, whether it’s your website, business cards, or packaging. Consistency across platforms makes your business feel more trustworthy and cohesive, which encourages customers to engage more deeply with your brand. A well-branded sign will reinforce your digital presence and create a seamless connection between your online and offline marketing efforts.

Steve Jobs’ marketing outlook, which focused on simplicity, branding, customer experience, and differentiation, shows how your business sign can be much more than just a physical marker of your location.

Your business sign can be a powerful marketing tool that drives awareness, creates a memorable experience, and differentiates your business from competitors.

By investing in a well-designed sign that reflects your brand’s identity and mission, you can leverage the same principles that helped Apple achieve monumental success. A simple, clear, and strategically placed business sign can ultimately be your greatest marketing investment, helping your business stand out and win in the marketplace.

At SignForce we firmly believe that a GREAT SIGN is a simple sign that stands out in stark contrast to it’s surroundings with the ‘message’ of the sign conveying to potential customers everything about your business.

At SignForce we have over a quarter of a century experience in signs and how they relate to marketing. We use this knowledge to give our client’s signs that are cost effective, with a return on investment (ROI).

SignForce also follow the KISS principle. We operate on the basis that generally, the simpler the sign and the greater the contrast, the more a sign makes the viewer comfortable, the more likely the sign is to be noticed, and thus the more likely the sign will have a positive ROI.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

For more about SignForce visit http://www.signforce.co.za

What PROBLEM does your sign solve?

What PROBLEM does your sign solve?

Trying to locate an existing physical business that has no signage can some-times prove extremely frustrating.

Can you relate to the experience of following your GPS to your desired location, and when your GPS politely advises you that you HAVE ARRIVED, you look around and have no clue where the store / factory / warehouse / house / business [fill in your own location] is, because there is no number or no signage to let you know that you are actually where you want to be, because we all know GPS’s are not always perfect and can certainly assist us to get to the incorrect location in the fastest way possible.

If you can relate to this scenario, then it should make it easy to understand that a relatively small investment on a sign would have made the above experience more memorable for the RIGHT reasons, possibly retaining customers or even making the prospective visitor more relaxed, calmer and more pleasant to deal with when they do eventually get to you.

At SignForce we make sigs that help get feet through your door

Contact SignForce NOW to get your obligation free quote by emailing info@signforce.co.za or calling +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at http://www.signforce.co.za

PERSPECTIVE – or an alternate (South African) view on Competition

Large Format print for www.artsolar.co.za

Safe installation of signs

PERSPECTIVE – or an alternate view on Competition

This was a very interesting week at SignForce

On Monday we assisted a competitor to install a sign they had manufactured. It was the first time I am aware of that we needed to use our block and tackle. The sign went up safely and our competitor and his client were all happy with the outcome.

On Wednesday we quoted a prospect. Part of the quote was to remove a number of signs from the building. A few were close to the ground, however many were more than three stories above the ground, and one was old, and from the brief inspection while on site, looks to be rusted through in more than one place. (I guess an article on the importance of maintaining signs for safety would be a good idea).

When followed up the prospect advised this writer that I must have lost my f@king mind because the amount was insane. He went on to explain that he could do the job for about 8% (1/12th) of the quoted amount. He went on to explain that he could hire some unemployed ‘casual’ labor off the street and provide them with the tools they need to remove the sign. I volunteered to provide a 51 foot ladder.

The difference between Monday’s client and Wednesday’s prospect may boil down to PERSPECTIVE.

The client on Monday appreciated SignForce’s experience, skills and understanding, and is willing to pay for the skills and experience.

The prospect on Wednesday may not have the understanding of the value of SignForce’s experience, and is certainly not prepared to pay for that experience.

That does not mean the prospect is incorrect. He may be able to get the job done safely at a much lower cost, and he will be responsible and accountable for the risk and any potential fallout that occurs.

One lesson of experience is being able to see the rust on the one sign – something which may be superficial, however, if it is not superficial – which is equally likely – the entire sign may fall apart when it is moved, which can become deadly very quickly. This writer has said multiple times, signage is an extremely simple industry, UNTIL IT IS NOT!

When a business complies and follows certain best practice norms, that compliance comes at a cost, which client’s should be prepared to pay for, as this ensures (or as close as possible) safety and successful completion of the job.

When a prospect is prepared to do the job himself and to say to hell with all safety norm, it is generally better to walk away, because if or when something goes wrong, that prospect will ,most likely be the first to throw the business under the nearest – and furthest – bus.

If you are in the market for signage – whether it is to manufacture, install, maintain or remove – SignForce is available to assist.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at http://www.signforce.co.za

What is the cost of compliance

The Cost of Compliance

Or maybe the title should be how does governance help or hinder economic growth and employment.

As someone who is involved with running a small business in the current South Africa, I often look on with amazement at the number of requirements (you could read that as hurdles) that the business has to jump – sometime crawl, sometimes squeeze – through in order to be compliant.

Around 2010 we completed a survey which asked how much of the management teams time was spent on compliance. At that stage it was around 10 – 15%. To honestly answer the same survey today would be in the region of 130 – 150% of the then management’s time, meaning that an entire team of people had to be employed for no additional benefit to our clients of the business, other than to remain compliant. This can be considered a pure stealth tax.

While we understand and agree with rules that DO make work safer, we also are of the opinion that you cannot legislate stupidity – or stupid away. We know that our team want to go home to their families on a daily basis, even when things are tough at home, so we don’t believe in treating them like immature idiots who are brain dead. If they are not up to the task they are encouraged to stay home or seek the necessary help, but in the opinion of this writer, creating rules that try make idiots into rocket scientists – or at least prevent them from putting their heads into a microwave oven that is on – is not going to prevent them from being stupid.

It was once said the principal difference between intelligence and stupidity is there is no limit to stupidity!

Compliance seems to be a world wide trend (although I do question how China still allow bamboo scaffolding or some African countries have not heard of a safety file – which, as an aside, may be more to do with political beliefs and control – as in communism – versus looking to create jobs and let the government do what they promise to do – look after the people of the cou


ntry and facilitate job creation. In South Africa the current ruling regime – also known as the anc – seem to believe that bums in seats, paid for by the tax paying citizens, is job creation. This writer believes this could not be further from the truth as when people are employed according to the Peter Principle and paid according to Ohm’s law, the result is low productivity, job reservation and artificial job security – the employed know they can never be fired or removed – and subsequent poor customer service, low motivation and an over burdened tax paying population.

At SignForce we believe in paying fairly for WORK DONE, we know the reason for meeting deadlines and working after our 16H30 closing time when the job requires it. This is one of the reasons our clients trust us to meet their deadlines – even when they are EXTREMELY TIGHT.

If you are looking for a sign supplier to team up with to make sure you and your business look GREAT, SignForce is the team to call.

Contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or email info@signforce.co.za or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 to get a fair, no obligation quote.

Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za

SignForce’s reputation



What you see is what you get with SignForce

How SignForce built our Reputation

In the competitive world of signage, having a stellar reputation isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. At SignForce we have always been – and are – aware that our reputation is the collective perception of our business, formed by the quality our work, customer service, and the overall experience that we at SignForce provide, remembering that we are ALWAYS dealing with PEOPLE. SignForce’s reputation is the intangible yet powerful force that sets SignForce apart in a market flooded with choices.

Understanding Reputation: At SignForce we have built our reputation on providing ADVICE on SIGNAGE and MARKETING, with our focus being on ensuring that ANY money spent on signage MUST BE AN INVESTMENT. At its core, SignForce’s reputation is about being acknowledged for excellence, reliability, and our ability to positively influence our clients’ businesses – we get the feet through your door!

SignForce’s reputation has been built through consistent delivery of high-quality signs, innovative design solutions, and exceptional customer experiences over more than two decades under the current management. We would love to say we don’t make mistakes but that would be a lie. What we can say with 100% honesty and great pride is that our ‘mess up’ rate is significantly less than 4.3% and in all our years we have only had three jobs that we had to walk away from because we could not make good.

SignForce’s strong reputation means that when our existing client’s need signage services, SignForce is the first sign business that comes to mind.

Building a Reputable Status: Achieving SignForce’s reputable status has been and still is a journey involving continuous improvement and dedication. Building and maintaining SignForce’s reputation requires a keen focus on excellence in every aspect of our signage business – be it design, material quality, or customer service. Consistency is crucial – SignForce want our clients to know they can rely on us for top-notch work every time.

Equally important is how we at SignForce make our clients feel – appreciated, understood, valued, and SATISFIED. At SignForce we believe that positive experiences lead to positive word-of-mouth, which is invaluable in helping to build our reputation.

Long term Perspective: At SignForce we adopt a LONG TERM approach, unlike Keynesian theory in which it is stated that in the long term we are all dead so nothing matters.

At SignForce we believe out long term view is vital in building and sustaining our reputation – as well as the reputation of our customers – or as we see them, our business partners.

This long term perspective emphasizes consistent quality and engagement over time, rather than quick, short-term gains. For SignForce this means investing in quality materials, innovative design capabilities, a strong, experienced team and building strong, lasting relationships with our clients. At SignForce our goal is to create a cycle where quality work leads to customer satisfaction, which in turn drives our customers growth and hence greater demand and further business opportunities for SignForce as well.

Practical steps to choosing a signage partner:

Any potential buyer of signage is advised to follow the following steps in order to give them the best chance of having a successful, smooth experience when ordering their signs.

Where possible the buyer should evaluate the current standing of your potential signage partner – possibly talking to existing current clients, with the intention to get an understanding of where the your potential signage supplier stands in terms of reputation, ability to fulfil your job and meet your signage requirements. It may also be helpful to gather feedback and check reviews.

In order to ensure a SUCCESSFUL signage process it is imperative that the buyer is able to DEFINE your requirements – clearly define how you want your business to be perceived and define what, to you and your business, would be define as a SUCCESSFUL implementation of signage. Having clearly defined expectations is probably the safest way to confirm that your chosen signage supplier can and will deliver on and to your requirements.

One question you can ask is do the values and attributes of the proposed signage supplier align with our brand.

If you or your business are in the market for signage – regardless of the size of the sign and the size of the job – SignForce is available to assist.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsaApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za

Never too old to learn

Fire with LED sign

Fire and signs

One is never too old to learn

There is an old saying that we are never too old to learn. This is true in many aspects of life and was clearly demonstrated to the writer this week when called to a site where I was informed the sign had burned.

With no other information than the fact it had burned and the size of the sign I – very incorrectly – assumed the sign was a large banner and had been caught in a grass fire.

When I arrived on site and saw the damage, my first thought was the fir was because the NEON HT cable had made contact with the backing board. However, when I looked up, I saw the sign was not illuminated with neon but was in fact illuminated with LED modules.

This is then FIRST LED illuminated sign this writer has ever seen that has burned, and especially one that self ignited.

Fortunately I was able to call some contacts and had people who had a greater understanding of fire – and burnt signs – than I do, and they were able to pinpoint the flash point where the fire most likely originated.

This is a great lesson and worth spreading that while LED signs are immeasurably safer than neon, they too can burn, especially with the new blended wire that is now available. The best lesson here is that even LED signs need maintenance, and, especially if your LED sign is old, one should have the wiring checked – preferably once a year – to ensure the wiring is not brittle and to prevent any possible fires.

SignForce is available to maintain all signs and are well enough connected that if we do not know, we WILL bring in the experts!

To get your sign checked or maintained contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525

Find you more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za

How SHOULD signs be cleaned?

How SHOULD signs be cleaned, aka How do we clean our signs?

Lets start off by stating that it is always best to get in a professional SIGN company to clean your signs. This does not include simply dusting a sign which the business cleaner can – and should – do.

When referring to CLEANING of signs we are referring to when the sign needs to be (a) physically handled and / or (b) will have chemicals touching the sign and / or (c) may require the sign to be opened and / or moved.

While it may seem expensive to get a sign company that does sign cleaning in to clean your signs, the cost is generally far lower than replacing ANY ELEMENT of the sign. For example, if the sign cleaner touches and cracks a sign, or puts too much pressure on a pin and breaks the pin off the sign, or the sign cleaner uses the incorrect chemicals which can either drastically reduce the life of the sign or break it. It is quite something to see an Acrylic sign shatter, but not something that you want to happen because you have used the wrong chemical or chemicals.

If you are going to try clean your own signs it is generally best to stick to water and a dish washing detergent, using a SOFT, NON-ABRASIVE cloth. Handle the sign lightly and remember to remove ALL residue of the chemicals when finished cleaning otherwise the sign WILL streak and look tatty.

For more information on or assistance with cleaning your signs contact Arnold of SignForce now on +27 (0) 11 440 7525 or email us at arnold@signforce.co.za

How to clean a sign

How to clean a sign

Good.Signs are an investment,  so as with most investments,  a good, working sign should be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis.Maintenance includes cleaning and maintenance of moving or working components and parts of your sign,  which will be covered in a separate blog article.

Cleaning your sign is important because, when done correctly,  the clean sign will enhance the image of your business while lengthening the life of your sign.The cleaning materials to be used,  as well as the techniques used to clean your sign will depend on: A. The type – substrate – of the sign, B. Access to the sign, and C. The material used for the face of the sign.

A. Type of sign

While Chromadek – a powder coated metal – can be cleaned with harsh chemicals like mentholated spirits or paint thinners, even Chromadek should not be cleaned using acetone, although it is generally safest to clean most signs using mild detergent, with a rule of thumb being if you wouldn’t use the detergent to wash your hands,  avoid using it on the sign.

Perspex and other plastic signs can generally be cleaned using harsh chemicals, however,  one should be wary when using harsh petroleum based chemicals to clean plastic based signs because if the sign was heat treated or heat polished,  there is the high possibility that the plastic or perspex could fracture or shatter.

Being made from plastic based products, flexface signs and banners should not be cleaned using any harsh chemicals,  but should rather be cleaned using a general degreaser,  with most dish washing liquids doing a great job.

B. Access to the sign – or more accurately lack of access  – may make it impractical for the sign to be cleaned often,  if at all.   Shop front signs can generally be accessed using an eight foot (two meter) ladder,  so while access isn’t ‘easy’, it is simple enough,  and possible to access the sign with a ladder, so cleaning of your store front sign should be included in your general cleaning routine.

External signs,  such as many found on the outside ot shopping centres,  are sometimes  placed too high to be worked on without specialist knowledge and equipment,  so it is advisable to assess the cost of maintenance against the replacement cost of the sign as well as the loss of brand image if the sign looks very bad.

C. The material used for the face of the sign is the final,  and possibly most important determinant of how the sign should be cleaned, as while harsh chemicals can generally be used quite safely on cast or solid colour vinyl, when used on digital prints, (and more and more signs are being decorated with digital prints), harsh chemicals will more often than not remove the image that the cleaning is intending to preserve.

As with most signs it is generally better erring on the side of caution and using water and soft detergents when cleaning printed signs.

If you are looking for signs and a professional signage company or simply want advice on sign maintenance or general advice on signs please contact either arnold@signforce.co.za or david@signforce.co.za and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.