Digital Sign
Could the current trend towards DIGITAL signage be a passing FAD?
People who have achieved far more than me have considered new, ground breaking and challenging technology and most have lived to be mocked. Companies in point are IBM regarding the personal computer, Kodak regarding digital camera’s and the old style Blacksmiths regarding the American Railroad.
When I first saw STORES (in Maputo, Mozambique) using digital signage for their shop front signs I saw it as novel, expensive yet a brilliant marketing tool. Today, in South Africa the trend has not properly caught on, but many landlord’s have already implemented policies regarding digital store front signage, essentially allowing them to advertise THE STORE but very little else, unless they are showing lifestyle reels.
The latest research published by https://www.it-online.co.za shows that the market for digital signage is expected to exceed US$78 BILLION within the next six years.
If this is the case it says that digital marketing is here to STAY AND more than stay, the market for digital signage looks to be the next upward trend in signage and billboard advertising.
The question businesses may want to ask is how will a move to digital signage benefit them, if at all, and are the costs worth the investment.
The reality is that like solar panels, the cost of digital signage has fallen drastically over the last few years, and there is also a very robust second hand market trading digital boards.
If you are in the market to make your brand stand out, SignForce can assist whether it is with a digital board or with standard, traditional signage.
Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413
Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za