What should your sign do? AKA Why sign?

Warm and Fuzzy

Why spend money on a sign? What should a bushiness sign do? In fact, what should ANY packaging do?

Any item carrying a business’s image should PROMOTE the business, help to ‘move‘ the viewer so that they feel ‘warm and fuzzy’ with the ultimate objective of getting the viewer to WANT – or better yet, NEED to HAVE the product being displayed.

Warm and fuzzy is why marketing experts – who know you better than you know yourself – use ‘lifestyle’ marketing – they want you to associate THEIR product with the LIFESTYLE YOU ASPIRE TO!

The best way achieve the desired outcome (a sale) is to create an associative emotion – something that MOVES us, the viewer – to make us feel that we want to EXPERIENCE what we associate the brand with.

Masters of this technique include nike, coke and apple – all HUGE, multi-billion dollar businesses with exceptionally deep pockets. So how does a small business with a limited budget achieve the same level of desire, and hopefully success?

It all comes down to creating an image that makes our small business compete favorably with the ‘BIG BOYS”

SignForce is a small business who have a large footprint, to a large extent because we understand more than signs, we also understand the psychology of selling.

If you are prepared to make an investment while taping into SignForce’s knowledge base and get the associated benefits contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or info@signforce.co.za