Why does my business need a sign?
I have been asked this question on more than one occasion, and my standard answer has been the old adage, “A business without a sign is a sign of no business!”
While this adage is old to us sign people, it is non-the-less as valid today as it was when it was first uttered many years ago.
While it is true that not EVERY business will need a sign – if you are an internet based consultancy, with absolutely no live visitors, how would a sign benefit you?
On the other hand, I have recently been approached by an internet based marketing firm – they are so focused on the internet that they refuse to get a telephone of any sort (all correspondence being via email or on their website) – to make them a sign as their suppliers and shippers are having difficulty finding them. This is a business that only sells to on-sellers, and has absolutely no dealings with the public, yet even they feel they need a sign.
Since signs are among the oldest forms of marketing, they are a firmly established means of communication a number of points about your business.
A sign is considered to be ‘good’ when it clearly displays where you are doing business and / or tells the reader WHAT it is you do. At the same time, almost every sign sends the subliminal message about HOW you as a business, do business – a dirty sign gives the impression you are not concerned about taking care of the finer points. Imagine a fast food outlet where the sign is going black with dirt. How FAST will you walk into that store, especially if the competitor next door has a bright, clean sign?
Signs can also be seen as a symbol of success. The larger and more sophisticated the sign, the viewer will ‘respect’ your success as a business.
For more information as to how signs can help your business view this video. http://youtu.be/054rkBBfSSE
For signs and sign related advise contact SignForce now and one of our dedicated and experienced team will gladly assist you.
david@signforce.co.za +27 (0)82 654 5495
arnold@signforce.co.za +27 (0) 82 558 6413
Tel: +27 11 444 3331