Semiotics – How do they affect your business?


Oxford dictionary defines semiotics as “The the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation”

Semiotics can also be seen as the study of signs and symbols, in particular as they communicate things spoken and unspoken. Common signs that are understood globally include traffic signs, emojis, and corporate logos.

So how does semiotics impact YOUR business?

If signs – not only business signs, but SIGNS that we humans use to communicate – think facial expressions, physical showing of excitement, achievement, defeat and sorrow – can communicate simply because it is recognized, what does YOUR BUSINESS sign communicate about YOUR business?

At SignForce we believe your business gets judged long before a prospective client comes through your door. Your business is judged when a prospective client SEES your first sign. An old example we at SignForce use is a prospective client who decided to go with a competitor for his signs. When we asked why we were advised that the competitor had a ‘nicer’ sign outside his business premises. When asked how he found SignForce he was honest and told us he was at the competitor and followed our directional signs. But our directional signs and the (shared) sign in front of our premises were not as nice. We had to agree, as while our signs were appropriate for the location SignForce were in, the competitor’s sign was way more impressive. Our signs were practical and designed to do a job. The competitors sign was simply to make a statement. Sadly that competitor is no longer in the game.

If you are looking to get feet through your door, regardless of if you want practical, functional signs or signs that are WOW, SignForce are in the market to assist.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at

What is a CLIENT or CUSTOMER – and when is a ‘client’ neither a client nor a customer?

Printed Sandblast Effect Vinyl

Impressive Printed Sandblast Entrance Sign

What is a CLIENT or CUSTOMER – and when is a ‘client’ neither a client nor a customer?

As one walks into a Stew Leonads physical stores ( there is a large rock at the entrance which states the store’s policy. It reads, RULE 1: The CUSTOMER is ALWAYS RIGHT. Rule 2. If the customer is ever wrong read RULE 1.

This is an amazing policy and a great focus on superb customer service, especially for the retail market. (For those of you who have never been to the store it an EXPERIENCE of note).

But is the saying true and valid for businesses that are not retail based? I suppose the truest answer is YES and NO. Yes, as it is a great target for customer service, and NO because since customers are also human, there are times when they too will NOT be right.

As a designer, manufacturer and installer of bespoke, customized signage, SignForce is NOT a retail distributor, and while we strive to follow the policy of Stew Leonards, there are times when we have to question if the policy that seems to work so well for the retail distributor can work equally well for a manufacturer that also falls into the category of service provider of signage.

A simple Google search ( of the word CUSTOMER says the following:

customer, noun, a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business.

On the other hand Wikipedia ( defines a customer as:

In sales, commerce and economics, a customer is the recipient of a good, service, product or an idea, obtained from a seller, vendor or supplier via a financial transaction or an exchange for money or some other valuable consideration.

In this writers opinion the Wikipedia is the better definition as it does not limit a customer to an INDIVIDUAL – the vast majority of customers, especially in SignForce’s business of supplying signage of all sorts, are businesses and corporates or institutions, NOT individuals.

What BOTH definition’s imply – or flat out explicitly state – is that a customer enters into a FINANCIAL TRANSACTION – meaning the customer receives something of value to said customer from the supplier who will receive FINANCIAL GAIN (read that as MONEY) for the goods supplied, so when a supposed customer does not pay for the goods, are they still a customer, or rather a liability and an expense?

I cannot speak for the world outside South Africa – but at the time of writing South Africa is a failed state (although many ill informed politicians and their cronies and ilk will argue otherwise) run by a poorly organized mafia (with no respect) known as the anc.

The once disciplined, moral and effective freedom fighters – or terrorists depending on one’s position (remember they are the two sides of the same coin) – did well to displace the apartheid government and have since failed dismally to show any morals or back bone or integrity or will or ability to build a nation – rant over.

The point being made is as a failed and further failing state – South Africa under the anc is doing all it can to follow the economic downfall of Zimbabwe and Venezuela, meaning doing business in South Africa is becoming increasingly difficult and costs of materials in South Africa, even when converted at US$ 1 to R20, are still prohibitive, making it extremely difficult for South African businesses to compete in the international market.

In 2023 many signage products can be acquired from China (no surprise) or America or Europe or the middle east (all big surprise) at lower cost than the can be made in South Africa .

As a South African based business this is scary as it makes a country, even with an atrocious exchange rate less competitive and will most likely only lead to greater job losses and more imports. A recipe for continued economic destruction.

When one is operating in such an environment – dare one say a war zone – this is sadly true as there are currently more violent deaths per day in South Africa (as a result of crime) than there are in most war zones in the world. This writer is not a statistician so please feel free to fact check my comments – one needs to ensure that ALL work time is compensated for, which once again comes back to wolves disguised as customers who are more than happy to prey on businesses that believe that turnover is more important than profit.

Part and parcel of the writers experience of of the signage industry over more than two decades is for people to ask for the world – based on an idea – and then over time refine the ideas until they come to a place where they are happy with what they see – both in vision and in associated cost.

As a signage supplier the typical South African attitude of I can do it myself, better and cheaper, comes at a huge cost in time (and often money). This includes prospects who are not yet customers requesting multiple ‘minor’ changes in design, revision in quote, etc., as even every ‘minor’ change requires a rework that can take hours. As such a quote that may take three to five changes can take longer to produce than the production of the signage, and this is all expected to be done at the signage suppliers cost.

So now assume there have been three changes to a quote and the graphic, and the client then decides that either they do not have the budget or they shop around using your intellectual property (IP) to get ‘competitive quotes’ – (remember they have not paid for your time that you are entitled to charge for) this is a topic of an entire book, not only a blog, and surprise surprise, they can get it CHEAPER.

When this occurs is the CUSTOMER or CLIENT still a customer or client as they are not paying for any of the sign suppliers input – both time and intellectual property (IP) – or are they an expense and liability that needs to be dropped for good – or in the thinking of this writer, charged for time if ever they approach the supplier again with the carrot (or promise) of potential future business?

Another question is at what point does the signage supplier disengage with ‘customers’ with all commitments of the supplier falling away. If a customer is with-holding final payment (we assume no business will be prepared to work without receiving an up front deposit) because some possible ‘snags’ are not being addressed, is it to be assumed that the signage supplier MUST make good and then fight on to get payment or should the client pay in full to fulfil their part of the financial transaction and then hope the supplier will make good?

Why is it that the often smallest cog in the value chain is expected to cover ALL the costs of prospect’s multiple mind changes and revisions, and is expected to not charge for their IP and time?

Sometime people we consider to be customers need to be fired so we can focus on PAYING customers who do not expect suppliers to work for free.

This writer is asking anyone WHO believes they may have answers to the various questions and issues to please contact the writer who will gladly take anyone who can give practical ideas for a cup of coffee in order to generate new ideas on how an industry which is seen so poorly so as to be on a par with second hand car sales, can educate clients sufficiently for them to get a grasp of value that they receive from their professionally made business signage.

SignForce is a full service signage supplier

If you are in the market for signage that will get feet into your business contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about the services SignForce offer by visiting

What goes into making a 3D sign

What goes into making a 3D sign

There are two basic models of 3D sign


The first, and most common 3D sign, is referred to as a 3D fabricated sign or a pan fabricated sign or a revere pan fabricated sign or pan sign. The 3D sign is a sign that has a face with solid sides to give the sign depth (referred to as a RETURN in the trade). This makes the sign look almost like a BOX. This is great because the 3D elements can accommodate lighting or if there is no lighting it ban make the sign stand out and look powerful.

3D signs can be manufactured using a number of materials, with the most common being metal (Aluminum) or Acrylic.

3D signs have the advantage of being able to be illuminated THROUGH the face – in which case the face must be a material that allows for light to flow through it, as well as being able to be HALO illuminated – where the light will either shine out the sides (returns) or from behind.

The benefits of light coming through the face is that the sign can illuminate in COLOR and when the sign is being viewed at a distance, the illuminated text (sign) is more legible than when the sign is halo illuminated.


The second type of 3D sign is what we at SignForce refer to as PARTIAL 3D. In the case of partial 3D signs, the 3D element is not created by a return (solid side) but rather by ‘pins’ that hold the face of the sign away from the backing structure. The 3D element can be enhanced using lighting where shadows will add depth and character to the sign.

Partial 3D signs can be illuminated with HALO illumination where the light is BEHIND the sign and the light is reflected off the backing structure.

Disadvantages of halo illumination include the color of the face being lost (not always as it depends of the face color, the depth of the 3D, the color of the lighting and the distance from which the sign is being viewed.

If you or your business are looking for 3D signs SignForce is the partner you want

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at

Seven Important Benefits of Non-uniform Signage

non-uniform signs that work

Non uniform sign that catches attention and promotes your business


Seven Important Benefits of Non-Uniform Signage

Many – if not most – of us human animals tend to appreciate and enjoy visual stimulus being “uniform”.

I am not referring to people who are OCD and everything HAS to be PERFECT, but even for those of us that are quite chilled and un-phased, seeing a painting hanging skew, or a sign that just doesn’t ‘look’ and ‘feel’ right can be anything from a slight irritant to extremely off-putting and upsetting.

The thing is sometimes we as marketers can and SHOULD take full advantage of these predicatable and almost universal traits, as often, that feeling of discomfort helps a viewer look again and again and again – either in an attempt to see what is WRONG, or to find closure and not have to look again or to wonder what other ‘ERRORS’ can be found or to try and figure what FOOL could get the signage SO WRONG!

The reality is that there are a number of benefits to non-uniform signage. In fact any marketing material that can get the viewer to look again and again, especially when the medium is static, has definitely helped improve the client’s investment when measured by engagement for consistent views or time per view.

Seven of the most important, seldom considered benefits of non-uniform signage are:

  1. Increased visibility – Non-uniform signage can be more visible than uniform signage, especially in highly areas highly populated with signage. Non-uniform signage can thus help attract more customers to your business

  1. Cost-effective – Non-uniform signage can be a cost-effective form of marketing for businesses that have limited marketing funds because they can make their professional sign get more views simply because of it’s placement.

  2. Increased reach – Non-uniform signage can increase the reach of marketing campaigns due to increased visibility. Think of a television or social media advert. Chances are the one’s you remember the most either made you laugh or irritated you.

  3. Easily catches attention – A non-uniform sign can easily catch the attention of target customers and passerby. There is a saying that there is no such thing as negative publicity. While this si debatable – think of politicians worldwide – from a business perspective the higher one’s visibility, the greater the chance of being front of mind and hence the greater the chance the customer will remember, relate to and feel comfortable with your brand.

  4. Differentiates from competitors – Non-uniform signage can promote brand identity by using unique designs and colors that are not commonly found on other signs. This helps make your brand stand out from the competition AND is also a great step in brand identification and creating greater awareness of your brand.

  5. Customizable and Increases customer engagement – Non-uniform signs can be customized to your specific businesses brand or unique campaign which can and does increase customer engagement by providing a unique experience that is not found elsewhere.

  6. Promotes creativity – Non-uniform signage promotes creativity by allowing businesses to use unique designs and colors that are not found on other signs, and subconsciously lets your prospects and customers know you are available and open to different ideas.

SignForce is in the business of making custom signs. We design signs that WORK! Work can depend a lot on your specific requirements, which is why not all signs are the same and our customized sign designs do not have a one size fits all approach.

SignForce has been in the signage market for over three decades, and have built our reputation on giving the best possible signage advice and producing quality signs.

Contact SignForce now on or WhatsaApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

What is the value of CONSISTENCY in Branding?

Consistency makes a sign successful

What is the value of consistent branding?

In reality I, as the author, am not in the pay grade to give a number that will answer this question, but I can make a number of observations

Generally speaking brand consistency refers to the practice of maintaining a cohesive (solid) and unified brand identity across all touchpoints and communication channels.

Brand consistency involves presenting a consistent brand message, visual identity (such as signage and packaging), tone of voice, and overall brand experience to your target audience. The value of brand consistency can be significant (think Coke, Amex, Pepsi, Epstein, Cosby and Weinstein) and can impact various, if not all, aspects of a business.

Here are some key benefits of brand consistency:

1. Brand Recognition: Consistent branding helps customers recognize and remember your brand more easily. When your brand elements, such as logo, colors, typography, and messaging, are consistently applied across different platforms and marketing materials, such as signage, vehicle branding, packaging and letter heads, the consistency of the visual identity creates a strong brand identity that stands out in the minds of consumers. This brand consistency facilitates brand recall and can lead to increased brand recognition and awareness. Coke is an excellent example of brand identity using color and font. Think of coke’s visual marketing (signage) and you can see that they consistently use a SPECIFIC red and a specific FONT making the coke red and coke font (universally?) recognizable.

2. Building Trust and Credibility: Consistency builds trust among consumers. When your brand consistently delivers on its promises, maintains a consistent quality of product or services, and communicates a unified message, your brand consistency establishes credibility and reliability. Customers are more likely to trust and engage with a brand that appears professional, dependable, and authentic. An example of how branding can affect perceptions is an observation of an American Express (AMEX) sign in Cape Town a number of years ago. Watching prospective customers they would approach the bank, look at the signage, look at the rates and move on. VERY FEW prospects cam e back to do business. It is possible that the rates were excessive, but on further investigation it appeared that the branding had accidently been reversed so the sign looked like the store may be a ‘fake’ knock-off of AMEX, and thus people tended to not trust the signage.

3. Differentiation: In a crowded marketplace, having a consistent brand helps your brand stand out from competitors. By maintaining a unique and consistent brand identity, you create a distinct image and position in the minds of consumers. Consistency allows you to communicate your brand’s unique value proposition and differentiate yourself from others, making it easier for customers to choose your trusted brand over competitors. It is for this reason that large companies trade mark certain colors, shapes and slogan’s. In this respect think of ADIDAS, NIKE and Dolce & Gabana. In South Africa a recent example is WE BUY CARS who have named their business as such and as a result are able to take legal action against any other motor dealer who states WE BUY CARS – even if that is what their business does. I suppose this could also be seen as an example of KNOW THE RULES OF THE GAME – which we buy cars did and played well, even if morally and ethically frowned upon.

4. Customer Loyalty: Consistent branding helps create and maintain customer loyalty and advocacy – what in known s RAVING FANS in social media terms. When customers have positive experiences with your brand and consistently encounter your brand identity, they develop a sense of familiarity and emotional connection. The emotional connection can lead to increased customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and positive word-of-mouth recommendations, the ultimate aim of all marketers. Customer loyalty can be seen among many of the worlds top brands such as APPLE, TOYOTA, MERCEDES, COKE, PEPSI to name very few.

5. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Brand consistency simplifies marketing efforts and can possibly reduces costs in the long run. By establishing brand guidelines and templates, you create a framework that streamlines the creation of marketing materials, both online and offline. Consistency eliminates the need to reinvent your brand’s visual and messaging elements for every campaign or platform, saving time and resources. In signage brand consistency comes from the corporate hand book that every business should have. While a very detailed hand book can lead to less innovation, it certainly makes the life of the signage manufacturer simpler by specifying what materials should be used, how they should be used, where the materials should be used and what the outcome should be. It is possible that such specifications can add to increased cost, but the cost is certainly worthwhile when one considers what the alternative can be when people look at multiple signs from different manufacturers and they are all visibly different.

6. Employee Alignment: One often overlooked advantage of brand consistency is how consistent branding benefits internal stakeholders, such as employees. When your brand has clear guidelines and a consistent identity, it becomes easier for employees to understand and represent the brand effectively. Consistency aligns employees with the brand’s values, mission, and vision, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose. In the modern business world it is also know that if certain levels of employees do not SEE their employers branding they feel they are not working for a business that has MADE IT, or can even make it, so they prefer to go to the recognized market leaders.

Possible disadvantages of brand consistency can be in rigidity and cost. This is especially true in signage if you want to produce all your signage in one factory and then have to pay shipping costs to get the signs delivered to various locations, whether nationally or internationally. That said, the cost of centralized production also has the advantage of generating some (even if very little) economies of scale – something that is vary rare in the custom sign industry.

Brand consistency can thus be seen to play a crucial role in shaping how consumers perceive and interact with your brand. Brand consistency helps build recognition, trust, differentiation, loyalty, and efficiency. By investing in brand consistency, businesses can establish a strong and memorable brand that resonates with their target audience and drives long-term success.

If you are looking to partner with a signage company that takes brand consistency seriously, SignForce is the signage company for you.

Contact SignForce now on or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

Is Branding, Signage and Brand Image Important – or are we all just Superficial?

Vehicle Branding creates brand awareness and familiarity

Is Branding and Brand Image Important or are we all just Superficial?

A short while ago I was at a supplier collecting some paint when I looked out at the SignForce vehicle in the parking lot, the same vehicle I see EVERY DAY, the same vehicle that I drive when necessary, the same vehicle ALL our customers and prospective customers and our suppliers see, a SignForce vehicle that is on the road almost seven days a week, but which I only SAW for the first time in a long time, and realized the vehicle was EXCEPTIONALLY TIRED.

The reality is that seeing the vehicle day in and day out makes one unaware of how the vehicle looks. The slight smudge mark, the additional small scratch, the discoloring paint all seem to be the same as they were the day, week, month and year before because one gets used to seeing the same thing over and over again.

The problem comes in that we assume that everyone else sees the same thing we see, except the NEW EYES do NOT see what we see. Then new eyes seeing the vehicle for the first time do not know the company, do not know the product, do not know the quality and do not know the service. All the new eyes see is a vehicle that represents the business, in whatever manner the vehicle presents itself.

They say you only get ONE CHANCE to create a FIRST IMPRESSION, and your vehicle or brand or product or yourself will be judged on that first appearance and how the new eyes perceive it or you.

Does this FIRST IMPRESSION ‘rule’ make us viewers superficial?

According to ChatGPT, the latest Guru which knows it all, “people are not necessarily superficial because they make up their minds on first impressions. In some cases, people may form an opinion quickly based on a first impression, but there are many other factors to consider before making a judgment.” The writer tends to disagree as in many cases the judgement is made on the first impression because there is never any further engagement.

This brings to mind a story of the old STAX sore in the West Rand. Many years ago STAX was about to close one store while another was being built. The store had not been very profitable and management decided it would be better for the business to close the store and start from scratch in about 18 months when the new store opened. SignForce was asked to remove the current signage and make it more presentable (the 3D letters were not illuminating, were broken and had actually become the home for some birds with their nest being built in the broken letter. The signs were given a low cost refurbishment so the store could have a closing down sale and then the signs would be taken down and repurposed.

The signs were refurbished and before the closing down sale was announced the store sales started picking up. On investigation it was found that because the location was pretty much a white elephant with very few trading tenants, and because the STAX signs were in such a state of disrepair, patrons – existing and prospective – assumed the store had closed down and moved, so they were shopping elsewhere. The store did eventually close but only when the new store was ready some 18 months later.

To me this demonstrates the importance people, prospects and patrons place on knowing that the projected impression is a positive one, that the business image is what is expected and that the image is what the business WANTS to project.

In SignForce’s case the vehicle in question was certainly NOT projecting the professional image that one would expect from a professional imaging business, so the vehicle was given a non surgical face lift – inside and out – bringing the vehicle’s branding and image in line with the professional business the vehicle represents.

In reality the refurbished vehicle does more than create a better image for new viewers, it also makes the staff more proud and more aware of the vehicle – like getting a new vehicle does – so that everyone is more aware that the vehicle needs to be treated well – definitely better than the ‘old’ vehicle was treated.

The upgrade has also been noticed by existing clients who have expressed how they feel more comfortable with the NEW vehicle being on their premises. One seldom thinks about an old vehicle possibly dripping oil on someone’s paving, but new vehicles make one more comfortable that the vehicle will be running better.

As SignForce have seen with the perception created by the ‘new’ vehicle, our branding and business image are help create the important identity for SignForce. The same applies to ANY company or organization. If your branding and identity are not reflecting the image your business WANTS to project, it could be a simple thing such as the signage – read that as branding – is tired or dirty. (On the note of dirty signs how often do businesses clean or dust their signs, even though the TOP of the sign may not regularly be viewed? It is something we at SignForce are aware of and offer a s a service if your cleaners are not happy to clean your signs. A dirty sign has a negative impact on people who see the dirt before they come into the store and leaves them subconsciously wondering what else is not being cleaned.

Business image and branding in order to create a strong brand and business image can be essential to help differentiate your company from your competitors. In fact people are known to create EMOTIONAL connections with brands – look at Apple and it’s RAVING FANS – who swear by their emotional connection with the company, partly because of it’s branding and consistent image.

Branding can help build trust and loyalty with customers, which in tern can lead to increased customer retention, higher customer satisfaction and ultimately a significantly better bottom line for the branded business.

Branding creates FRAMILIRIATY which makes people feel more comfortable and more likely to keep your business, your brands and your product front of mind.

In summary a strong brand helps create a strong business image which together with a positive experience when using your business, can also help to create a positive reputation,

If you are looking for a full service signage company to assist with you projecting the business image you desire through excellent branding contact SignForce now on or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525

Find out more about SignForce by visiting

#Branding, #VehicleBranding, #Businessimage, #Signage
