Quality versus Cost

Signage that LASTS

Signs outliving their expected life by +100%


Quality vs cost

In finance there is a standard trade off between RISK and RETURN.

This trade off is a standard for almost every business, In signage, as with ,many businesses, the trade off is quality versus cost.

Generally speaking, the more one pays, the better the product, because better parts cost more, better labour costs more ad people who are looking for quality are prepared to pay more. There is a sad caveat in signage, as we have seen in the past that some of our clients have paid premium prices and still received inferior quality.

The photo’s above would be extremely embarrassing if they were of a new SIGN that SignForce had produced, especially as we are in the business of designing. manufacturing and installing signs. The pictures of the signs are one of SignForce’s experiments. They are of a south facing sign (at the entrance to our premises) that was printed on THREE year vinyl using original ROLAND inks.

What makes this sign interesting is that this sign is already over SEVEN years old. The cracking of the vinyl will generally appear after anywhere from 24 – 30 months, and after 36 months the print is generally no longer legible. The fact that this sign is south facing may be partially responsible for the slower fade and longer life of the vinyl, but we doo believe a greater factor in the continued legibility of the print is that fact that SignForce ONLY use ORIGINAL ROLAND INKS.

Experience has shown that the original ROLAND inks are longer lasting and seldom need laminating (although we do laminate for other reasons). The cost of the original inks is 100% – yes two times – the cost of the available generic inks, but the benefits to clients who require better quality are immense. There are also the benefits to SignForce of not needing special ventilation for the printer (which we did years back when we tested generic inks for 5 or 6 months).

If you are in the market for a sign and want to feel secure that the sign will last, talk to us at SignForce.

Contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 78525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or email info@signforce.co.za

You can find out more about SignForce at http://www.signforce.co.za

The Power of Emotions

Power of Emotions

Not too long ago I was approached by a man in a store who was looking for some assistance. We had a brief chat where he mentioned he was a businessman from the DRC and here in South Africa for one more day. He mentioned he was looking for businesses in South Africa to partner with.

We had a good chat. He gave a brief outline of his business and asked if it was something I would be interested in. He said he would get hold of me when he was back in the DRC so I gave him my number.

True to his word he contacted me 2 weeks later and told me more about what e was looking for.

During the discussion’s he mentioned how much money I can make by partnering with him. [This is a standard sales technique, so not much interesting there, but money is very often an emotional trigger].

I am a firm believer in karma and serendipity, and am also have enough gray hair to always question “why me” as well as “what’s in it for me”? I am also a bit of a sceptic, so I also keep asking myself if there is a catch, where is it?

Certain things didn’t make sense to me, but I was not invested and played along in order to find out if there was a catch, where the catch is or would be. The man outlined what he required and the process. He said he would do certain things, and he did them on time and kept me informed.

The short version is a member of the man’s business would be coming to South Africa and he would appreciate it if I could collect the man and take him to his destination, all simple enough, and apart from some time (which I was prepared to invest as I was having fun), very little cost to me that I could see.

When I met the man I was advised he had been on the road for a while so I took him to lunch where we had a pleasant chat. I was then contacted by his ‘buyer’ and told what time we could meet.

Now it is important to add that at this time while I am still wondering why me, is there a catch and if so what is it, I have dealt with a total of five different individuals, with the main person always as close as a call away. They did mention that they would pay for my time and fuel and reimburse me for any expenses as the man needed some work clothing and a few other things which were in my line of business.

Everything seemed to be running smoothly from my outsiders perspective, remember I was simply acting as a driver for a business man needing some assistance. I am a frim believer that if something is too easy, there needs to be a catch, and somewhere there is a problem. Not sure if I am a realist or a sceptic?

We eventually get access to a VERY secure building where the deal is meant to take pace. The building is definitely appropriate for the type of business, yet also not the most secure building I have ever worked in.

I go with the man to his buyer where the product (some mineral) will be tested and purchased with bank transfer’s taking place. I get asked if it is possible for them to transfer the money into my account because there was an issue with the sellers account. This was the first red flag I saw. I asked which bank they bank at and was told it didn’t matter as they would do an instant payment from their bank. They did mention I could take a handlers fee for them using my bank account. This was a bit of an orange flag as I figured if the money is in my account they are more at risk than me.

Then the fun began. The buyer wanted to ‘test’ the quality of the product. Here is where there were only red flags, possible because of my specific set of skills and experience, but the most important thing was the EMOTIONS they were eliciting.

Everything they did was to (a) make me feel comfortable and at ease, (b) entrench the legitimacy of the business and (c) elicit emotions, especially because they were talking about a LOT of money and how much I could have for assisting.

I was observing and making notes (in my head) that (1) they asked the seller the weight and never weighed the minerals. {In my experience when I was the seller of minerals the first thing the buyer did was WEIGH what I had and then give me a copy of the weight so there was no disputing later. I don’t care how many times you deal with a buyer, in the mineral market, where payment is per weight, you weigh the product !!!!

While the ‘specialist’ was ‘testing’ the product (which I found quite amusing as he opened the sealed package (not vacuum packed but sealed with packing tape) he took out a scissors and a magnifying glass and declared the grade to be excellent. At this point the ‘buyer’ handed me a piece of paper with the supposed value of the mineral – it was in excess of R11,000,000. A very large number, definitely large enough for the bank to flag the transaction and certainly large enough to make almost anyone feel some emotion.

The ‘specialist’ declared he had one more test to do and would like us (the seller and me the observer) to accompany him while he placed the mineral sample into his x-ray (I cannot remember the name he used) device to ensure he was correct about the grade.

I suppose this is a good time to mention I am a talker. I love talking! That said, I like to think my mama raised no fool, so I also know when to keep my cake hole SHUT. This was one of those times, as the mineral was placed ‘inside’ the computer – what I witnessed was the specialist placing the sample BEHIND the computer box and turning the computer on.

He explained that the computer would analyze the material and as long as the grade was below 53 on the LED screen on the box, they would be happy to release the payment.

It is important to mention here what I saw was a desk top computer box wrapped in aluminium foil. The box had it’s own LED screen about the size of a small cell phone and a red and green light. The lights flashed and the LED screen flashed numbers until it settled on 52, which is below 53.

We were then asked to go back to the other office so the transfer could take place. The specialist told the buyer that it was all good. The buyer then asked for the certificate of origin, which the seller said he did not have. He said he could get it as it was with t he transport that brought him into the country.

This is where the real FUN began. I asked the seller why he didn’t bring the document with him. He said he ran into a snag at the border as he did not have sufficient funds to pay the import duty, so the driver of the transport paid the import duty and he kept the paper as security in order to ensure he was refunded for his payment and assistance.

The import duty was US$3,500 (about ZAR 63,000). Here is where the con lay.

I was asked to please assist – remember as far as I was concerned I was there as a driver for someone I did not know and the only identification I have of him is his cellphone number. I asked why the driver could not simply bring the document to the office where we were so the payment could be released and he could get his money. I was told it was his boss that would not allow him to come as his boss was UPSET he had helped the seller.

Long story short I let them know this was there issue, so I took the seller and his goods back to where I found him, and I left to carry on with my day, and left them to con someone else.

The reason I am relaying the story is because of the POWER OF EMOTONS. These cons were superb at playing on emotions, asking for assistance, promising to pay, tempting with HUGE sums of money, explaining how this was important for their families, SO MANY EMOTIONAL STORIES.

In sales we are taught that EMOTION SELLS and people justify on logic. This is so true, as when the correct trigger or emotion is activated, even intelligent people will often throw logic out the window, sadly, too often with dire consequences.

My personal red flag for a scam comes from being caught. So when I feel something is too easy, not my issue, too exciting, elicits emotion, too coincidental and any combination of these, I tend to be a LOT more aware than I may usually be.

I was advised that I was still mad to go along as long as I did and meet with t he people alone as they may have been armed, and that is true. I did take a chance and while I did assess the situation each step of the way, it did carry risks, even though there were people who knew where I was.

The whole story is to try explain the emotions. I cannot express how well these people work. They are professionals and their business is to help you part from your hard earned money. They are ruthless and are expert manipulators, using every trick I am aware of from the psychology of selling.

I am fortunate that among my experiences, on the 4th of September 2015 I had what I now refer to as my lifeaversary. With my accident something in me changed. Remember I have mentioned how much a person’s emotions impact your body. In my case, after my accident I cannot get overly excited – that is a positive and a negative. Whether I get too excited because I am beyond happy or I get mad because something has happened, either way my body responds in the same way – I begin to shake uncontrollably. The emotion is not relevant, it is the intensity of the emotion that triggers my body.

I am very aware that many, if noit most people, do not have such a refined warning mechanism, but I also know that most people do have some warning mechanism – whether it is to keep what they are doing a secret or that funny feeling in their gut – that tells them something is amiss.

When your warning system starts talking, PLEASE BE AWARE.

This post has nothing to do with signage – unless one is referring to the signs and signals one’s body is giving off, but is more of a public service to remind people that their emotions are their friends, especially in situations which could have a negative impact on life.

If you want to deal with a signage business that is made up of people that care, contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce at http://www.signforce.co.za

What is the VALUE of PEACE OF MIND

At Height Work

Working safely at height

Is there a price for PEACE OF MIND?

Lets talk about everyone’s favorite topic, INSURANCE, the commercial phrase for PIECE OF MIND.

I once heard a person say if you want to break up a party, simply walk in to the largest group and tell everyone I SELL INSURANCE! If you are lucky you may get as far as asking what they do before there is no one left to talk to.

While the story may not be entirety true, it does have some relevance, as does insurance, the major grudge purchase businesses have to buy.

Why do businesses need insurance – well mostly because of those pesky things called accidents, also sometimes referred to as black swan events, or simply unplanned – and unplannable? – events.

Accidents happen, and how prepared you are for them may have a massive impact on the future of your business, and possibly on your future too. Why, because if your business suffers a catastrophic event, and you do not have sufficient cover – whether it is money in the bank, insurance or a friendly banker – not only can the event destroy your business, if you are financially reliant on the business for your income, if the business has to close, your source of income will most likely immediately dry up as well.

Hence we purchase insurance.

Now what does INSURANCE have to do with signage. The answer is both A LOT, and NOTHING – yes, extreme contradictions.

Insurance for signage can relate to both insurance cover – as in the type of insurance you pay for to cover your sign in the event your sign gets stolen, or falls down in a severe storm and needs to be replaced, or the insurance you take out should your sign at the top of the building that was shaken by a storm, fall ON someone and injure or kill them. This is ALL insurance taken by the OWNJER of the sign to cover potential accidents.

There is also the second type of ‘insurance’, that is the insurance gained from having PEACE OF MIND. Peace of mind is the ‘insurance’ one gets when using a reputable supplier who you feel you can trust to get the job done without any issues – delays, accidents, errors, or any of a number of potential issues that could you upset as a client.

Here is a story that is a great example of where peace of mind could be seen as insurance. SignForce were recently asked to quote to remove a number of signs from a five story building. Most of the signs, even though they were high, looked to be simple. There was however one LARGE (estimated 6 x 3 meter) sign that was in poor shape which could pose some safety risks, mostly as a result of the sheer size off the sign. The last sign however posed some potential visible threats. This sign stood about 6 meters high, going up from the third story of the building and the steel as visibly rusted. Now the rust may have been superficial which would mean it is not an issue, but when removing a large vertical structure, one would be ill advised to ignore such visible risks.

Now that you have the background, when the SignForce sales person followed up on the prospect to see if they were going to go ahead and use SignForce to remove the signs, the representative was told in very un-Christian terms that SignForce had quoted WAY too high as the prospect could get the job done for about 4% of the quoted fee. The prospect informed the representative that this impressive (potential) saving would be achieved by finding unemployed people looking for piecemeal work and giving them some rope (the cost of the rope was not included in the perceived, supposed 96% saving). One could argue about the time value of money in finding people who would be happy to do risky fork at less than minimal rate, but this blog is not about the wide range of competition SignForce faces.

Now it is probably true that using the unqualified, inexperienced , homeless people the prospect would exploit he would have a 90% chance that he would have been able to do the work at 4% (excluding the rope and anchors) of the quoted fee. He would have been happy and would later be able to recount the savings he made.

However, life being life, the unknown 10% – the possibility of the rope breaking (which could happen if cost saving, incorrect rope is used) or the sign falling (which could happen if rope fail or rope is not correctly secured to the wall anchors or rope is not correctly secured to the sign – this is an art that the qualified ropers are taught – or someone falls off the roof or the ladder or whatever lifting equipment they are using . . . the possibilities are close to endless.

IF the 10% happened the perceived 96% saving could vanish and be replaced by HUGE hospital costs, MASSIVE legal costs, EXORBITANT medical costs and laborious labour issues that no landlord wants to face. This is the PEACE OF MIND ‘INSURANCE’ that comes from dealing with reputable suppliers who are responsible, are qualified and have every intention of working safely to feed AND SEE their families on a daily basis, even it if the price to client is slightly higher than reasonable, similar competition.

While the SignForce quote may be perceived as high, it is all relative to what the cost is being compared to. Yes, SignForce cannot compete on price when comparing us to unqualified homeless people who are prepared to work for a meal, and SignForce do have the added costs of ensuring that the equipment we use and the suitably qualified people we send to site ensure the work is done in a manner which is safe manner so everyone can sleep peacefully at night.

If you are in the market for signage – whether to design, manufacture and install, or to maintain or remove, SignForce is available to assist.

Contact SignForce mow on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about how SignForce can serve you at htttp://www.signforce.co.za

The Value of Input from Sign Specialists when Designing Signs: SignForce’s Insight

The Value of Input from Sign Specialists when Designing Signs: SignForce’s Insight

In the intricate process of sign creation, the expertise of a sign specialists stands as a crucial element that significantly impacts the outcome of the entire signage process. At SignForce, we recognize the indispensable value of sign specialists’ input at every stage of the sign making process, starting with the designing of a sign. The insights of the signage specialist ensure not only the aesthetic appeal and technical accuracy of signage but also its effectiveness in conveying the intended message to the target audience.

Bridging Design and Functionality

Sign specialists should possess a deep understanding of how design and material elements including colour, shape, and size influence the visibility, readability, impact and effectiveness of your signage. SignForce’s expertise – including an understanding of marketing, engineering and materials – ensures that your signs are both visually captivating and functionally effective. By harmonizing creative design with practical considerations, sign specialists guarantee that signage serves its primary purpose—communicating with the audience effectively. This differs from signs designed by designers who may focus purely on the aesthetic value of the sign but may not have any clue on the practical implementation that is required to make their beautiful, but not necessarily practical, sign come to life.

Ensuring Compliance and Quality

Navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance is another area where the input of sign specialists is invaluable. While SignForce does not get involved in regulatory compliance, we are fairly well-versed in local bylaws and other regulatory requirements that may impact your signage decision. SignForce’s knowledge helps to safeguard your businesses against potential legal issues and fines.

Customized Solutions for Enhanced Impact

Every business has unique needs and goals for its signage. Sign specialists at SignForce excel in tailoring designs to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that each sign is a perfect fit for your business’s brand identity and marketing objectives. SignForce’s ability to customize solutions enhances the impact of signage, making it a powerful tool for brand visibility and customer engagement.

Innovative Techniques for Lasting Impressions

The signage industry is continually evolving, with new materials, technologies, and techniques constantly emerging. SignForce is at the forefront of this innovation, bringing the latest trends and advancements to the design process. SignForce’s input allows businesses to benefit from signs that are not only modern and appealing but also durable and cost-effective.

The SignForce Advantage

At SignForce, our team of sign specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive consultancy and design services that bring your vision to life. We understand that a sign is more than just a piece of advertising; it’s a critical component of your brand’s identity and public perception. That’s why SignForce emphasize the importance of professional input in every project we undertake, ensuring that every sign we design, manufacture, and install is a testament to our commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

The value of input from sign specialists when designing signs cannot be overstated. It is the cornerstone of creating effective, compliant, and impactful signage that truly represents a business’s brand and communicates its message clearly. At SignForce, we pride ourselves on our team’s expertise and dedication to excellence, which ensures that our clients receive more than just signs, rather they receive strategic business assets. In an industry where the difference between ordinary and extraordinary lies in the details, the specialized knowledge and insight of sign specialists make all the difference.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413

Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za


Handling Expectations

Printed Sandblast Effect Vinyl

Impressive Printed Sandblast Entrance Sign


Handling [Unrealistic?] Expectations

Regardless of how great one’s communication skills are, it is always possible that a message is received ‘differently’ to how it was intended when sent – ask anyone in a long term relationship.

Language skills, mood and / or intention of the recipient and reader are three of MANY reasons miscommunication can occur. A simple example could be that a signage quote is sent with standard industry jargon but when it is received the recipient does not ask for an explanation of the jargon but rather assumes the words used have their standard, common, meaning. If this happens it is then possible that when the work is completed the client’s expectations are not met, and a dispute arises.

From experience most times mis-communication happens it is best to talk to the client so as to clear up any misconceptions, and that will mostly resolve the issues.

However for the more complicated situations, it would be fantastic if there was a formula to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.

According to business guru’s the most successful way to handle issues of misunderstanding are to:

  1. Be Honest and Transparent. This may help close the gap between where the client’s expectations and reality lie.

  2. Communicate openly, focusing on the problem without being judgmental or allocating blame.

  3. Try anticipate the client’s requirements in advance. This is not always possible as when client’s are faced with multiple options they may (incorrectly) believe that all options are similar, and without asking for clarity they may not get this right. An example of this is a client following standard good governance and getting multiple (3) quotes for a sign. When the sign quotes come in from say A, B and C, the wording on the quotes may be identical, but if none of the quotes SPECIFY what material will be used, yet the quotes vary widely. The variation in the quotes can be due to very different materials being quoted on, with different life expectancies and different looks and feel. No signage client could be expected to know these differences if they are not specifically explained.

At SignForce we have been accused of being long winded and our quotes giving more details than needed. This is generally to avoid the possibility of misunderstandings by clients and also to hold ourselves accountable to ensure the correct materials are used.

If you have physical premises and you want SIGNS that WORK, consider partnering with SignForce.

SignForce has been in the market for over two decades, and have built our reputation on giving the best possible advice and producing quality signs.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or WhatsaApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525

Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za

Is Branding, Signage and Brand Image Important – or are we all just Superficial?

Vehicle Branding creates brand awareness and familiarity

Is Branding and Brand Image Important or are we all just Superficial?

A short while ago I was at a supplier collecting some paint when I looked out at the SignForce vehicle in the parking lot, the same vehicle I see EVERY DAY, the same vehicle that I drive when necessary, the same vehicle ALL our customers and prospective customers and our suppliers see, a SignForce vehicle that is on the road almost seven days a week, but which I only SAW for the first time in a long time, and realized the vehicle was EXCEPTIONALLY TIRED.

The reality is that seeing the vehicle day in and day out makes one unaware of how the vehicle looks. The slight smudge mark, the additional small scratch, the discoloring paint all seem to be the same as they were the day, week, month and year before because one gets used to seeing the same thing over and over again.

The problem comes in that we assume that everyone else sees the same thing we see, except the NEW EYES do NOT see what we see. Then new eyes seeing the vehicle for the first time do not know the company, do not know the product, do not know the quality and do not know the service. All the new eyes see is a vehicle that represents the business, in whatever manner the vehicle presents itself.

They say you only get ONE CHANCE to create a FIRST IMPRESSION, and your vehicle or brand or product or yourself will be judged on that first appearance and how the new eyes perceive it or you.

Does this FIRST IMPRESSION ‘rule’ make us viewers superficial?

According to ChatGPT, the latest Guru which knows it all, “people are not necessarily superficial because they make up their minds on first impressions. In some cases, people may form an opinion quickly based on a first impression, but there are many other factors to consider before making a judgment.” The writer tends to disagree as in many cases the judgement is made on the first impression because there is never any further engagement.

This brings to mind a story of the old STAX sore in the West Rand. Many years ago STAX was about to close one store while another was being built. The store had not been very profitable and management decided it would be better for the business to close the store and start from scratch in about 18 months when the new store opened. SignForce was asked to remove the current signage and make it more presentable (the 3D letters were not illuminating, were broken and had actually become the home for some birds with their nest being built in the broken letter. The signs were given a low cost refurbishment so the store could have a closing down sale and then the signs would be taken down and repurposed.

The signs were refurbished and before the closing down sale was announced the store sales started picking up. On investigation it was found that because the location was pretty much a white elephant with very few trading tenants, and because the STAX signs were in such a state of disrepair, patrons – existing and prospective – assumed the store had closed down and moved, so they were shopping elsewhere. The store did eventually close but only when the new store was ready some 18 months later.

To me this demonstrates the importance people, prospects and patrons place on knowing that the projected impression is a positive one, that the business image is what is expected and that the image is what the business WANTS to project.

In SignForce’s case the vehicle in question was certainly NOT projecting the professional image that one would expect from a professional imaging business, so the vehicle was given a non surgical face lift – inside and out – bringing the vehicle’s branding and image in line with the professional business the vehicle represents.

In reality the refurbished vehicle does more than create a better image for new viewers, it also makes the staff more proud and more aware of the vehicle – like getting a new vehicle does – so that everyone is more aware that the vehicle needs to be treated well – definitely better than the ‘old’ vehicle was treated.

The upgrade has also been noticed by existing clients who have expressed how they feel more comfortable with the NEW vehicle being on their premises. One seldom thinks about an old vehicle possibly dripping oil on someone’s paving, but new vehicles make one more comfortable that the vehicle will be running better.

As SignForce have seen with the perception created by the ‘new’ vehicle, our branding and business image are help create the important identity for SignForce. The same applies to ANY company or organization. If your branding and identity are not reflecting the image your business WANTS to project, it could be a simple thing such as the signage – read that as branding – is tired or dirty. (On the note of dirty signs how often do businesses clean or dust their signs, even though the TOP of the sign may not regularly be viewed? It is something we at SignForce are aware of and offer a s a service if your cleaners are not happy to clean your signs. A dirty sign has a negative impact on people who see the dirt before they come into the store and leaves them subconsciously wondering what else is not being cleaned.

Business image and branding in order to create a strong brand and business image can be essential to help differentiate your company from your competitors. In fact people are known to create EMOTIONAL connections with brands – look at Apple and it’s RAVING FANS – who swear by their emotional connection with the company, partly because of it’s branding and consistent image.

Branding can help build trust and loyalty with customers, which in tern can lead to increased customer retention, higher customer satisfaction and ultimately a significantly better bottom line for the branded business.

Branding creates FRAMILIRIATY which makes people feel more comfortable and more likely to keep your business, your brands and your product front of mind.

In summary a strong brand helps create a strong business image which together with a positive experience when using your business, can also help to create a positive reputation,

If you are looking for a full service signage company to assist with you projecting the business image you desire through excellent branding contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525

Find out more about SignForce by visiting http://www.signforce.co.za

#Branding, #VehicleBranding, #Businessimage, #Signage


Why would any entrepreneur want to get into the signage industry

Why would any entrepreneur want to get into the signage industry

There are a number of positive reasons to get into the signage business.

In the modern world where AI is starting to impact a large number of opportunities, signage included, the manufacture and installation of signage is still very labour intensive. Design of signage is definitely being threatened by AI, and this could well have an impact on sign businesses, but from the writers experience AI generated signs are not yet very practical to manufactured, so for the foreseeable future humans will still be required to manufacture signage.

Another advantage of the signage industry is there are advances being made which include digital boards that are becoming more and more popular.

Some factors potential entrepreneurs should be aware of when planning on opening a sign business include location, equipment and machinery, licensing, regulations and compliance administration, advertising, networking, staffing and administration.:

Location: While location is currently less concerning than it has been in the past, with the move to buying local there is a good chance that in the future location will once again become a large factor in costing and people’s requirements for signage. When considering location a potential signage entrepreneur should consider the location of their sign business and the proximity to their target customers as it may become increasingly important to find a location that is convenient to customers who will likely use their services, especially if they are relying on customers to come in off the street.

Equipment: Having the right equipment, machines and sign making tools is essential for a sign business. Potential entrepreneurs should decide what type of signage they will offer and then research the cost and availability of the necessary tools and machines. Depending on the business model and type of signage the sign business intends to market and manufacture, the sign making tools required may vary.

Licensing, Regulation and Administration: Depending on the location of the sign shop, there may be specific licensing and regulation requirements for sign businesses. Potential entrepreneurs should research the specific requirements for their area – be it country or state – and prepare to meet any applicable regulations. This is increasingly important when one wants top be compliant in a country such as South Africa where, unless the correct hands are greased, government and large business contracts will only be issued to businesses that are compliant with a huge number of laws and regulations. In current day South Africa an entrepreneur who intends to remain compliant needs to plan and budget for sufficient compliance staff to remain compliant.

Advertising: Advertising is an important part of running any business, with a sign business being no exception. Potential signage entrepreneurs should consider how they will advertise their services and reach potential customers – see also your intended market. Advertising may vary from networking to online PPC to printed or digital media to name a small number of options.

Networking: Networking with other sign businesses, suppliers, and potential customers can help a sign business grow. Potential signage entrepreneurs should research local networking opportunities and take advantage of them. Sign entrepreneurs should also look at networking with other signage businesses, especially if located in countries like south Africa with shrinking economies or if located in outlying area’s where networking can help the sign business with materials, techniques and other sign industry related updates that may not get to outlying sign businesses.

People. It is believed that every business, sign businesses included, require three main components – like legs of a tripod. Marketing, Finance and People. Marketing covers all types of selling, finance includes ensuring you have sufficient capital to carry the business through the first months of operation – including understanding that not all clients will be paying on time – and employing the correct staff or contractors. If the right people are employed the business can thrive. Likewise, poor recruiting decisions can be extremely costly to the point of closing down a sign business.

Administration – also called accounting or finance – is ensuring that there is a constant flow of cash. Most businesses that die die as a result of poor cash flow. It is as important for the sign business to sell at a profit – important part of administration and sales – as it is to collect the money, as in the modern world it is increasingly common for payments to be delayed, and delayed payments can cost the sign business both in terms of relationships and lack of cash flow.

If you are looking to enter the signage industry SignForce, with almost 40 years experience, are willing to talk.

Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or visit

the SignForce website at http://www.signforce.co.za

I need a sign and I have a DRILL

Drills and Signs

Using a Drill for a Sign

I have a drill!

But that doesn’t mean I need to, or should, use it!

Life is short. Life can be serious! Business or work is ‘serious”.

But life doesn’t always have to be serious, or at least some things can be amusing.

Life can be made funny when we try to be everything to everyone, or when we try ude the drill – because we have one!

I am all for training, and learning through trial and error, so please, go ahead and play with your drill.

That said, there are times when it is beneficial to allow what we term ‘professionals’ to do the work. What makes one a ‘professional’? Generally hours and hours and days and days leading to years and years of practice. It has been said that in order for one to be truly proficient in your work you need to put in 10,000 hours.

10,000 hours equates to just under 417 days. Broken down into eight hour days that 10,000 hours is 1,250 ‘work’ days- that equates to 62.5 months, or just over FIVE years! Five years of doing the same thing, day in and day out. It is for this reason we can watch a ‘professional’ ‘play’ with a grinder – a tool that must always be respected – as if it is nothing. It is normal for him as he works with it DAILY. And after 20 plus tears, it is second nature.

While employing the professional to do certain work may cost a bit more than doing it oneself, it certainly can make life easier, even if it is less entertaining for the onlooker.

The advantage of allowing professionals – people who do the same tasks over and over and over on a daily basis – to do the work is that, because they do the same work repetitively, they learn what is generally referred to as the ‘tricks of the trade’.

Being a ‘do it yourselfer’ is admirable and great – and I believe is important, possibly because I am one myself – and it can even save one money when done correctly, but the university of life is not free, or even cheap, so expect to make some costly mistakes along the way. These ‘mistakes’ are the best way to learn, but they are often costly.

If you would like to manufacture a sign or install a sign save yourself time and possibly even money by calling #SignForce – the professionals.

For advice on signs or to order signs contact SignForce now on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or info@signforce.co.za

You can find out more about SignForce by visiting http://signforce.co.za


How to clean a sign

How to clean a sign

Good.Signs are an investment,  so as with most investments,  a good, working sign should be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis.Maintenance includes cleaning and maintenance of moving or working components and parts of your sign,  which will be covered in a separate blog article.

Cleaning your sign is important because, when done correctly,  the clean sign will enhance the image of your business while lengthening the life of your sign.The cleaning materials to be used,  as well as the techniques used to clean your sign will depend on: A. The type – substrate – of the sign, B. Access to the sign, and C. The material used for the face of the sign.

A. Type of sign

While Chromadek – a powder coated metal – can be cleaned with harsh chemicals like mentholated spirits or paint thinners, even Chromadek should not be cleaned using acetone, although it is generally safest to clean most signs using mild detergent, with a rule of thumb being if you wouldn’t use the detergent to wash your hands,  avoid using it on the sign.

Perspex and other plastic signs can generally be cleaned using harsh chemicals, however,  one should be wary when using harsh petroleum based chemicals to clean plastic based signs because if the sign was heat treated or heat polished,  there is the high possibility that the plastic or perspex could fracture or shatter.

Being made from plastic based products, flexface signs and banners should not be cleaned using any harsh chemicals,  but should rather be cleaned using a general degreaser,  with most dish washing liquids doing a great job.

B. Access to the sign – or more accurately lack of access  – may make it impractical for the sign to be cleaned often,  if at all.   Shop front signs can generally be accessed using an eight foot (two meter) ladder,  so while access isn’t ‘easy’, it is simple enough,  and possible to access the sign with a ladder, so cleaning of your store front sign should be included in your general cleaning routine.

External signs,  such as many found on the outside ot shopping centres,  are sometimes  placed too high to be worked on without specialist knowledge and equipment,  so it is advisable to assess the cost of maintenance against the replacement cost of the sign as well as the loss of brand image if the sign looks very bad.

C. The material used for the face of the sign is the final,  and possibly most important determinant of how the sign should be cleaned, as while harsh chemicals can generally be used quite safely on cast or solid colour vinyl, when used on digital prints, (and more and more signs are being decorated with digital prints), harsh chemicals will more often than not remove the image that the cleaning is intending to preserve.

As with most signs it is generally better erring on the side of caution and using water and soft detergents when cleaning printed signs.

If you are looking for signs and a professional signage company or simply want advice on sign maintenance or general advice on signs please contact either arnold@signforce.co.za or david@signforce.co.za and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.