Will SIGNAGE survive the current AI revolution

3D sign

White, Illuminated 3D sign

Will SIGNAGE survive the current AI revolution

If you are alive and online – which we can assume you are if you are seeing and reading this post – you MUST have heard of AI (artificial intelligence) and how it is likely to reshape the workplace and employment in the future – both foreseeable and long term.

When asked if Signage will survive the current AI revolution, ChatGPT answered as follows: “Absolutely! While artificial intelligence is revolutionizing many aspects of business and technology, signage serves a different purpose entirely. Signage is a tangible and physical way for businesses to communicate their brand, products, and services to customers. Signs can be seen, touched, and experienced in a way that AI cannot replicate. Additionally, many signs are designed to be aesthetically pleasing, which is not a task that AI has yet mastered. So, rest assured that signage will continue to be a vital part of businesses for many years to come, even in the age of AI.

This writer tends to agree with ChatGPT, but not necessarily for the same reasons.

While there are AI programs and Apps available that can CREATE wonderful pictures, logo’s and pieces of art, all of which can be incorporated into modern signage, it is the physical creation (or manufacturing) that has yet to be repalced by a machine.

Yes, there are computer based tools such as 3D printers and benders that can help create a 3D sign, but at this time – and for the foreseeable future, it does not look likely that sign makers will be replaced by robots. Good news for sign makers, not necessarily such good news for customers as when items are not made by machines they tend to be more costly.

This is definitely the case when it comes to signage, especially since the vast majority of signs are custom – custom look, custom design, custom feel and custom size – there is very little chance of an affordable robot taking over the physical work that is necessary when making most, especially 3D, signs.

One can ask if signs will be required in the future, especially as the world moves to digital which can do so much and is fast becoming more and more affordable. This writer believes that digital signs will be used more and more to sell – lifestyles, products, services and time – BUT for the foreseeable future BUSINESSES will still be physical – people want to touch and smell and feel – which cannot be created online, and as long as people want to touch they will want to go to physical stores (or physical destinations) which will most likely continue to want signs to make customers, prospective customers and suppliers aware of where you are. People want to SEE your business.

To find out how SignForce can assist your business to make itself visible contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or call +27 (0)11 440 7525


Surviving a Black Swan Event

SignForce 'invisible' sign

Partially Invisible Sign

How does your business survive and thrive a Black Swan Event?

Ever heard of a Black Swan?

Ever seen a black Swan?

Do you understand the concepr of a Black Swan Event?

For more on Bl;ack Swan Theory visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan_theory

In short, bl;ack swans do exist, but are more rare than white swans, and their arrival always seems to be a surprise. It is not a planned event.

Covid arriving in 2020 is one such event almost EVERY business in the world has had to deal with. For some it was a death knell, for others a Godsend.

From my research there doesn’t seem to be a common thread that has made one business succeed and another fail during these interesting times, in that some businesses do the same thing yet some have gone up while others have gone down.

Traditionally times like this call for a boost in one’s marketing. The greater one’s visibility in these times, the higher the likelihood of success and thriving. The more markets one can reach, the greater the chances of surviving and thriving. And from SignForce’s experience, the more one can collaborate, the higher the chances of success.

SignForce has always worked with our competitors in order for us all to do better. SignForce’s philosophy is that a cent earned from someone else’s work is a good cent. The theory behind this is that if you are a doctor, you almost always have to be at work to earn a good living. In industry, this is not necessarily the case. One can earn while being remote. This has been emphasized and highlighted in the modern work from home environment where unless one HAS to be face to face with your client’s, one can provide services from a distance.

At SignForce we believe in upliftment. Yes, we strive to be a profitable and sustainable business, so we believe in making sure the TEAM is always taken care of. Sure there are differences in take home pay but before anyone makes a profit the TEAM must be taken care of. SignForce operate on the premise that if you are hungry you will not give of your best, so we provide food. We have to cook it, but the food is there, and all our cooking skills are tested, and hopefully improving.

SignForce also believe in keeping the team happy. Yes, there are disagreements and people are not always happy, but we strive to make sure people are happy as much as possible. This leads to a work environment where people can strive, thrive and improve themselves – both financially and from a skills perspective. We believe in up-skilling, because we are never sure when a crucial cog in our tightly run machine will break down, be removed or stop performing. As such we believe EVERY PERSON should be able to do EVERY JOB.

This is not always easy, and often people resist being trained because it is beyond their comfort level, but we continue with training ALL THE TIME, as an insurance policy in order to maintain sustainability.

If you are looking to thrive in these interesting times, maybe some of the idea’s mentioned above will be of assistance. We hope so, and when you are expanding, allow SignForce to assist you with making your brand VISIBLE.

For an obligation free quote contact SignForce not on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp +27 (0)82 558 6413 or email info@signforce.co.za

FAQ regarding Brass Plaques and Plaques in General

Brass Plaque

Solid Brass Plaque, etched and filled for exceptional long life outdoors.

We at SignForce are often asked excellent questions regarding the plaques we manufacture.

We generally work with SOLID metals, Brass, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Mild Steel. Our plaques are etched and filled so the plaques have a long outdoor life, even in the harsh African sun.

Below are a number of questions which may aid you in making a decision if you are in the market for a plaque.

Q1: Do SignForce’s plaques survive in direct sunlight and rain, (all kinds of weather conditions), especially when the plaque will be placed outside the building.

Yes, SignForce’s solid Brass or Stainless steel plaques survive VERY WELL outdoors. When outdoors they have an expected life of between 10 and 20 years, even when exposed to the harsh South African sun. 

Can plaques be multiple colours (colors) and will the colours remain intact regardless of the weather conditions.

SignForce use 2K automotive paints for the fills. As a result the colors will last very well outdoors. SignForce’s plaques are also coated with a clear lacquer which extends the life of the paint and protecting the plaque material at the same time. 

Do SignForce have any warranty on their plaques?

SignForce’s plaques carry a 12 month guarantee and because of the process used, the plaques can be refurbished in the future to keep the, by then old, plaque looking fresh.

How long is a SignForce plaque expected to last outdoors in the harsh African sun?

Depending on the material the plaque can last many many years. Brass and Copper plaques are known to last many hundreds of years (as can be seen when visiting may old cemeteries or church yards), although the colour fills are definitely not expected to live that long. It is also important to remember that with time (more than 10 years) the metal will tarnish so it will not lose the shine it has. Brass tends to oxidize to black and Copper tends to oxidize to green. Stainless steel plaques should do the same although they will tarnish and become dull with time, especially in then harsh African sun.

Does SignForce include installation in our quotes?

You can choose for us to quote with or without backing boards, with or without deliver and with or without installation. If you want SignForce to quote to include installation we will need to know (1) where the plaque will be located – both area and height above the ground. We also need to know what the plaque will be fixed to – dry wall, plastered brick wall, concrete, etc) and how easy or difficult access will be.  If you only want the quote to include installation we need to know where the plaque needs to be delivered to so we can calculate the most cost effective option for yourselves. SignForce often use POSTNET and PEP for outlying deliveries.

What size plaque can SignForce produce?

Since SignForce make custom plaques we can make almost any size between 10 x 20 mm ( 1 x 2 cm) to 1,000 x 2,000 mm (1 x 2 meters). The standard size for doctors plaques tends to be A4 and building opening plaques tend to be A3, but you can pretty much choose the size you want.  

What is the difference material do SignForce use to make their plaques?

SignForce can use almost any material – from granite and glass to acrylic, stainless steel, mild steel, aluminium,. Brass and Copper. If you want a silver finish STAINLESS STEEL, mild steel or Aluminium will be recommended, the difference being the location of the plaque.

The short answer is Can SignForce make ALL logo’s in full color.

The short answer is YES. That said, not all full color logo’s will have a long expected outdoor life. For certain logo’s, especially those that have half tomes, the logo will need to be printed and domed, making them ideal for indoor use as they will have a very short life outdoors.  While we can produce FULL colour logo’s, for them to last outdoors they cannot have half tones and they will need to have separations so that each colour paint can fill it’s own section. Please also be aware that the cost for the plaques increase with more complex artwork / logo’s and more colours.

In order to provide an accurate quote SignForce need the following information:

1. Material you want the plaque to be? – Brass (gold), Copper (pink gold), or Stainless Steel (silver), Aluminium (silver) or whatever other material

2. What size should the plaque be? (Please approximate if you are unsure)

3. What wording and what logo(s) would you want to have on the plaque. This is very important if SignForce are to give accurate quotes.

4. Would you want the plaque (a) delivered or (b) installed. For delviery please advise l0ocation. For installation please advise where, and height above the ground and if you know what the wall is made of, the type of wall.

5. Do you want a hard wood backing board? 

Once SignForce have all these answers we will gladly get you an obligation free quote

Contact SignForce NOW to get your obligation free quote by emailing info@signforce.co.za or call us on +27(0)11 440 7525

You can find out more by visiting the SignForce website at http://www.signforce.co.za