Is there any coloration between SIGNAGE and MAGIC?

Signs, like magic, is all  about the Illusion!

Sandblast vinyl - with or without patterns

Lets start with a disclaimer. The only magic I know is a simple card trick I was taught when I was about 3 years old – so I cannot talk about magic with ANY authority whatsoever, other than as a ‘man-on-the-street / witness.

That said, like magic – slight of hand and illusion – simple #signage can sometimes be a lot more than it seems.

Take for example the window in the attached picture. This is possibly the simplest ‘special’ effect in an office that can make a disproportionately huge difference in the way an office looks and feels as well as it’s functionality.

The sandblast effect vinyl used on this internal office window allows in a good measure of natural light, allowing the office to remain ‘light’ while at the same time giving the occupant more privacy when in the office.

The photo here is of a floor to ceiling window that separates the private office from the larger, open plan office. Because of where and how the vinyl is applied to the glass, the large pane has been transformed to a fully functional white board for the open plan office, making the space a practical and functional space to meet, plan and display!

Like magic, a simple sandblast effect film on the glass makes sandblast effect vinyl a VERY cost efficient way to make internal glass more multi-functional.

SignForce has been around for over a fifth of a century and are always willing to consult and guide you to show you how simple, cost effective signage techniques can help you make your offices as user friendly and practical as possible. We are not interior designers, so we stick to simple advice, but we can help.

For further information please contact us on or call us on +27 (0)11 440 7524 / 5

Using sandblast vinyl can make a office more private, create white boards and keep offices light -all done in a clean manner, on site.

Secret #Signage

This post was sent as a newsletter on 27 May 2019. While it is already outdated – especially in light of South Africa’s poor performance on the international stage, the concept can still provide food for thought.

Sponsors are now, even at this late hour, threatening to pull out unless independent sign professionals act as sign umpires and declare the CWC signage free of ‘secret signage‘ or visual interference.

Whilst ‘secret signs‘ seems an oxymoron, ambush marketing is taking totally new direction with this new technique. Signage at events like the CWC form a large and important part of a sponsors investment in visual communications. So the possibility of having this offset by an ambush marketer is creating havoc behind the scenes..

The real nub of the problem is that the ambush signage can be done by a small ninja group who can do this in a very short space of time – even inside the sign company’s, or sponsor company’s, premises.

This ambush message will show up on fixed signage – particularly those large billboards that form an integral part of the stadium landscape. The technique has been to overprint the sign with a fluorescent ink that only shows up on the TV camera’s – in exactly the same way as the white cricket ball is treated to give it more visibility. The technology that was painstakingly developed for the white ball to solve the on screen visibility problems has now been hijacked. We are not yet sure what the revealed message will be – or was supposed to be – but you be assured that some sponsors are now very anxious. Stand by for some exciting viewing!

Calls have been made for all involved signage companies to stand by a new code of conduct that will ensure that they secure the signs from manufacturing floor through to installation.

You will be pleased to know that SignForce is a founder signatory to this new protocol. This was an easy decision for us, as we have always taken the greatest care of our work – from conception to installation.

Of course the above is just a spoof, but you never know . . .

Standing by to do some ‘innovative’ signage for you soon.


Thanks for reading, hope to see you soon.
The SignForce Team


contact us on

Tel: + 27 (0) 11 440 7524 / 5