Way Finding
Howimportantis WHITE SPACEfor Signs?
To make this a little easier to read: How important is WHOTE SPACE for signs?
What is WHITE SPACE? And why is it important when designing LEGIBLE signs?
It is said that music is less about the notes and more about the space between the notes as this is where the sound we hear resides.
The same thing about white space can be said with regards to legible signage.
Signs are simple. Good signs that are legible and do their intended WORK WELL may be a little less simple.
Good signage needs to deliver on the signs intended purpose. A signs purpose can vary from getting feet into a store to informing people of positions or offers to directing people to a specific location or in a specific direction.
One common factor in all signs if they are to WORK is that they NEED to be EASILY LEGIBLE.
The more ‘visual noise, the less the sign is EASILY LEGIBLE, and in some circumstances, the sign is not legible at all. Visual noise is the equivalent of NOOPENSPACE (or NO OPEN SPACE) around the intended message.
Visual noise can make text or the pictures bleed into each other, making a sign difficult or even impossible to read. Just like a paragraph that is too long (like this one?) a sign that is difficult to read will most likely not achieve its objective.
If you are in the market for SIGNS that WORK at fair prices (read that as not the cheapest, but good value with guaranteed work), then SignForce is here to assist you.
Contact SignForce now on info@signforce.co.za or call SignForce on +27 (0)11 440 7525 or WhatsApp SignForce on +27 (0)82 558 6413.
Find out more about SignForce by visiting our website at http://www.signforce.co.za