Why is ‘contrast’ important when it comes to signs and visibility?
I was recently putting together a video blog, and in order to make the video more interesting, I began playing with various backgrounds.
WOW, what an eye opener!.
I ALWAYS advise my sign clients that it is the contrast between the message and the background of a sign that makes the message stand out – or get lost, and this video shows how this works. Check out the video at youtu.be/JTTeyQJH1dI
I am a firm believer that ANY MONEY spent on signs MUST be an INVESTMENT – that is, there MUST be a measurable return on investment. For this to happen the sign MUST have a purpose and MUST be VISIBLE. If either element is missing, the sign will not achieve it’s objective. Contrast is one of the MAJOR contributors to a sign being visible and successful or getting lost in the noise that the background can be.
In case you think that I am making a mountain of a mole hill, check out this video youtu.be/JTTeyQJH1dI . It is THE SAME sign with different borders, and notice how some borders are so BOLD that you almost forget to look at the sign.
Should you require any signs or advice on signs, or if there is any specific sign related topic you would like me to cover please email SignForce now on arnold@signforce.co.za or call the office on +27 11 444 3331 to see how we can serve you.
Arnold N. Pollak