Does anyone else feel that as much as life is changing – and we keep hearing how it is changing in the news and on social media, “so it has to be true”, or does it? – the more life stays the same.
How many of us are waiting for a seismic event that just doesn’t seem to be happening, yet slowly, step by tiny step, the world as we know it IS changing, and before we know it the seismic event didn’t happen, but the seismic change did?
Could this be because we are living through the seismic event, but because of our training and expectations, what we expect is not real? As an amateur student of history I have often wondered how the people who lived through the Great Depression or the Second World War coped and survived these seismic events in their lives, and because I have not asked anyone other than my late grandfather who lived through both world wars and refused to discuss either, I have made the assumption that the survivors did not necessarily know they were witnessing seismic changes (I would assume they were witnessing the seismic historical events) and as such simply lived day by day, meal to meal, sleep to sleep until they suddenly woke up one day to find that they and the world they live in had changed. Possibly no too dissimilar to a caterpillar going into a cocoon and waking up as a changed form – a butterfly – emerging feeling pretty much the same in a world which is very different yet seems to be very much the same.
As SignForce is in the business of designing, manufacturing and installing signs we need to constantly look for any possible change – seismic or not – in the sign industry – like when digital printing became standard almost 20 years ago. At the moment we don’t see much changes happening just yet. We do however see small, almost jpd – just perceivable differences – that when combined, may not have an impact on how signs are produced, but are sure to have an impact on where and how signs are ordered and used.
If you have a physical business that needs FEET, why not take advantage of the advice and signs SignForce can provide. You can contact the writer on +27 (0)82 558 6413 or